Under the Freedom of Information Act, please could I be provided with a copy of the school's master timetable? I do not expect staff members to be name...
Schools RAAC Pt2 (Academies)
Response by Fortis Academy, Birmingham to Yohannes Lowe on .
Good morning
Please see the responses below highlighted in yellow.
Kind regards
Mrs Crowe
Data Officer
Fortis Academy
School uniform supplier details
Response by Fortis Academy, Birmingham to Lizzy Oxendale on .
Good afternoon
Please see the responses below highlighted in yellow.
Kind regards
Mrs Crowe
Data Officer
Fortis Academy
Sanctions related to uniform
Response by Fortis Academy, Birmingham to Lizzy Oxendale on .
Good morning
Please see the information below in response to your FOI request.
Kind regards
Mrs Crowe
Data Officer
Fortis Academy...
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