English Martyrs Catholic School and Sixth Form College, Hartlepool
An academy and a school
4 requests
DBS Applications
Request sent to English Martyrs Catholic School and Sixth Form College, Hartlepool by Victor Howe on .
Long overdue
Please can you advise how your establishment process DBS applications where applicable - is this paper or do you use a particular 3rd party provider an...
Schools RAAC Pt2 (Academies)
Response by English Martyrs Catholic School and Sixth Form College, Hartlepool to Yohannes Lowe on .
Dear Yohannes,
Further to your freedom of information request, please find below the
information you requested:
1. Was your school, or any part of...
Class Charts, DPIA, Data and GDPR
Response by English Martyrs Catholic School and Sixth Form College, Hartlepool to Hugh Jass on .
Partially successful
Dear Hugh,
Further to my email dated 9 September 2021 please find attached our
response to your freedom of information request.
1. A copy of any c...
Response by English Martyrs Catholic School and Sixth Form College, Hartlepool to Jeff Kenyon on .
Dear Jeff
Please find below our responses to your questions in red text:
1. What Internet Service do you operate? (Broadband or Leased line?)
- Leas...
Only requests made using WhatDoTheyKnow are shown. ?