Education Scotland

An executive agency and a Crown Body

162 requests
How many Scottish schools are without a library?
Response by Education Scotland to Christine K Fernand on .

Information not held

Good afternoon Ms Fernand -   As per my email below, I am waiting on receiving the initial letter sent to Clare Hicks from yourself regarding the...
Digital/IT Organisation Chart
Response by Education Scotland to Lee Varga on .

Partially successful

Please find attached a response to your correspondence. **********************************************************************  This e-mail (and any...
Please find attached a response to your correspondence. **********************************************************************  This e-mail (and any...
List of Schools And Nurseries in Scotland
Response by Education Scotland to John Robinson on .

Information not held

Please find attached a response to your correspondence. **********************************************************************  This e-mail (and any...
Please find attached a response to your correspondence. **********************************************************************  This e-mail (and any...
Funding for faith schools
Response by Education Scotland to Taliesin Ray on .


Please find attached a response to your correspondence. **********************************************************************  This e-mail (and any...
Good morning George, I'm afraid I am unsure why you are unable to access these 3 documents, as all documents shared with you have been saved as PDF fi...
School records
Response by Education Scotland to James Harvey on .

Long overdue

Please find attached a response to your correspondence. **********************************************************************  This e-mail (and any...
Translation, Interpretation and language services costs
Response by Education Scotland to Rob Bates on .

Awaiting classification

Please find attached a response to your correspondence. **********************************************************************  This e-mail (and any...
Please find attached a response to your correspondence. **********************************************************************  This e-mail (and any...
Social Media Management and Listening
Response by Education Scotland to Ellie Jones on .


Please find attached a response to your correspondence. **********************************************************************  This e-mail (and any...
excel list of all school and colleges in Soctland
Response by Education Scotland to Nicola on .


Dear Nicola Morgan, As requested, please find attached a copy of the excel spreadsheet taken from the Scottish Government website -
List of Scottish school email addresses 2023
Response by Education Scotland to M Shafi on .

Partially successful

Please find attached a response to your correspondence. **********************************************************************  This e-mail (and any...
church of Scotland teachings in schools
Response by Education Scotland to Richard Allan on .

Information not held

Please find attached a response to your correspondence. **********************************************************************  This e-mail (and any...
Corporate Estate Managing Maintenance
Response by Education Scotland to Nicola Pomroy on .

Awaiting classification

Please find attached a response to your correspondence. **********************************************************************  This e-mail (and any...
Plans for post 16 education
Response by Education Scotland to M McBride on .


Please find attached a response to your correspondence. **********************************************************************  This e-mail (and any...
PE department Contact Details
Response by Education Scotland to Dave Thompson on .

Long overdue

Please find attached a response to your correspondence. **********************************************************************  This e-mail (and any...
School Head Teacher Contact Details
Response by Education Scotland to Dave Thompson on .

Partially successful

Please find attached a response to your correspondence. **********************************************************************  This e-mail (and any...
Contacts with tobacco industry
Response by Education Scotland to Raouf Alebshehy on .

Information not held

Please find attached a response to your correspondence. **********************************************************************  This e-mail (and any...
Asbestos training
Response by Education Scotland to Christine K Fernand on .

Long overdue

Please find attached a response to your correspondence. **********************************************************************  This e-mail (and any...
Dear Christine K Fernand, I refer to my email of 21 February 2023, when I advised that Education Scotland does not hold this information and that you...
Please find attached a response to your correspondence. **********************************************************************  This e-mail (and any...
Dear [name removed], Thank you for your Freedom of Information internal review request sent to Education Scotland on the 26 February 2023. Your reque...
Legal action and costs
Response by Education Scotland to Conor Matchett on .

Partially successful

Please find attached a response to your correspondence. **********************************************************************  This e-mail (and any...
Just to simplify your distress over answering this internal review it has now beein established by East Lothian Council at https://www.whatdotheyknow.c...

Only requests made using WhatDoTheyKnow are shown. ?