East Midlands Councils

An association of local councils

56 requests
Talent Acquisition
Response by East Midlands Councils to Charley Hill on .


Dear Charley, Thank you for your freedom of information request. We want to clarify that East Midlands Councils is not a local authority and therefor...
Hello We are not a Local Authority and do not have any council homes. Regards
Agency spend and inclusion to PSL
Response by East Midlands Councils to Garth Busch on .

Waiting clarification

Dear Garth East Midlands Councils does not employ nursing and care staff. Kind regards
Dear Rachel Thank you for your email. We are not a Local Authority and therefore do not have this information. Kind regards
Thanks for your email. As we are not a local authority, we do not hold this information. You would need to contact each local authority individually....
Details of empty properties
Response by East Midlands Councils to AZEEZ BADA on .

Information not held

Hi You will need to contact Local Authorities for this data as we do not have a housing stock. Regards
Contact Centre management system
Response by East Midlands Councils to M. L. Wade on .


Hi Thanks for your email. We are not a local authority and only a small organisation of 17 people. We do not have contact centres or Privileged Acc...
Use of pesticides by council
Response by East Midlands Councils to Juliet Ferguson on .

Information not held

Thanks for your email. Unfortunately we do not hold this information and you would need to contact each local authority individually. Kind Regards Li...
Dear Dr Campbell The responses are in blue against your questions in the email. Kind regards Lisa Hopkins PA to Stuart Young, Executive Director East...
Fines issued for Jubilee street parties
Response by East Midlands Councils to Charlotte Lynch on .

Information not held

Dear Charlotte Thank you for your email. You will need to contact Local Authorities for this information as we do not deal with this. Kind regards L...
Pharmacy payment data
Response by East Midlands Councils to oliver staunton on .

Information not held

Dear Oliver We do not have any activity with these services, therefore we do not have any information. Kind regards Lisa Hopkins PA to Stuart Young,...
Council tax rebate status 2022
Response by East Midlands Councils to Carolyn Tuson on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Carolyn Thank you for your email. We are not a Local Authority and do not collect council tax therefore I am unable to provide you with any info...
Elder Care Costs
Response by East Midlands Councils to Alan on .

Information not held

Dear Mr Andrews East Midlands Councils do not deal with care home costs. You will need to contact county councils who would deal with this. Kind rega...
Freedom of Information Request - Social Housing
Response by East Midlands Councils to Will Tullis on .

Information not held

Hi Will Thanks for your email. Unfortunately we do not hold this type of information. You would need to make contact with the individual local author...
GDPR customer rights
Response by East Midlands Councils to anthony fitzsimons on .


Dear Mr Fitzsimons Request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (the Act) East Midlands Councils has considered your request which was receive...
FOI Request: Parking Charges and PCN totals
Response by East Midlands Councils to Martyn John on .

Information not held

Thanks for your email. Unfortunately, we do not hold this type of information, you would need to contact the local authorities individually.
Knives in Schools
Response by East Midlands Councils to Andy Buckwell on .


Dear Mr Buckwell Thank you for your email. As we are not an education authority we are unable to answer your questions. Kind regards Lisa Hopkins PA...
FOI Request - children's play areas
Response by East Midlands Councils to Jon Parker-Dean on .

Information not held

Dear Mr Parker-Dean East Midlands Councils does not own or maintain any play areas, Kind regards Lisa Hopkins PA to Stuart Young, Executive Director...
Home owners in mortgage arears
Response by East Midlands Councils to Scott Page on .

Information not held

Dear Scott Unfortunately East Midlands Councils does not hold the information you have requested. Could I suggest you contact your local council who m...
Littering and Fly-tipping
Response by East Midlands Councils to Ellen Blacow on .

Information not held

Hi Thanks for your email. Unfortunately we do not hold this type of information and you would need to request this from the individual local authorit...
Housing benefit element
Response by East Midlands Councils to John Brown on .

Information not held

Hi John, In response to your email, we are not a local authority therefore do not hold this information. Kind regards, Mila Pereira HR & Learning a...
Homeowners in mortgage arrears
Response by East Midlands Councils to Stewart Turner on .

Information not held

Dear Mr Turner Thank you for your email. Unfortunately we do not hold this data. Kind regards Lisa Hopkins PA to Stuart Young, Executive Director Ea...
Play sufficiency assessment
Response by East Midlands Councils to Oliver Smith on .

Long overdue

Dear Oliver Thank you for your email. East Midlands Councils is not a Local Authority so therefore we do not have any information to supply to you....
2 Month Section 128 Eviction Notices
Response by East Midlands Councils to Adam Sadler on .

Information not held

Dear Mr Sadler East Midlands Councils does not issue eviction notices. Kind regards Lisa Hopkins Business Support Officer East Midlands Councils Firs...
Thank you for your email. Unfortunately we do not hold this sort of information. You would need to approach the County Councils directly for this info...

Only requests made using WhatDoTheyKnow are shown. ?