Dovers Green Primary School
9 requests
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- successful requests
- unsuccessful requests
- unresolved requests
Dear Yohannes Lowe
Your Freedom of Information request has been sent to me by the Headteacher at Dovers Green. Please see the responses to your questi...
Prevent policies and referrals
Response by Dovers Green Primary School to Sam Andrews on .
Dear Mr Andrews. Please find attached the answers to your questions. For
reference Dovers Green is an Infants School.
1. The topic of prev...
Dear Mrs Russell
I refer to your Freedom of Information request regarding this issue.
Warnings for attendance are issued through Education...
Academy Sch -Formal Complaints made following Refusal of Request for Reception start at CSA
Follow up sent to Dovers Green Primary School by Emer Mander-O'Beirne on .
Long overdue
Dear W. Hill (SBM-Reigate School),
Although Surrey County Council may manage the administration of the admissions, SCC do not make the decision on be...
Admission of Children outside their normal age group – Summer Born, Reception Class
Response by Dovers Green Primary School to Emer Mander-O'Beirne on .
Information not held
Dear Emer Mander - O'Beirne
Your request for information is very similar to a previous request you have made during July this year. I attach our respo...
Dovers Green- Children Admitted to Yr1 without Completing Reception
Response by Dovers Green Primary School to Emer Mander-O'Beirne on .
Dear Emer Mander O’Beirne
RE FOI – Dovers Green-Children Admitted to Year 1 without completing
Please see the response to th...
Admission to year one without having first completed reception
Response by Dovers Green Primary School to Lynda Russell on .
Mrs Russell
Re FOI Request
Apologies for the delay, but I have needed to wait for the information
over the summer closure period.
Phonics test results by month of birth
Response by Dovers Green Primary School to Lynda Russell on .
Dear Mrs Russell
Please find attached correspondence relating to your Freedom of
Information request.
Wendy Hill
Business Director and D...
Admission of Children outside their normal age group – Summer Born, Reception Class
Response by Dovers Green Primary School to Emer Mander-O'Beirne on .
To: Emer Mander-O'Beirne <[FOI #495444 email]>
Please find an attached letter outlining the response to your Freedom of Information request.
Wendy Hi...
Only requests made using WhatDoTheyKnow are shown. ?