Department of Education (Northern Ireland)

A Department of the Northern Ireland Executive a a Crown Body, a elwir hefyd yn DENI

Cais 193
Dear Russell, Please find attached the Department’s response to your recent request for information. Should you have any queries in relation to th...
Please see the attached reply to your recent Freedom of Information request. Regards James McFarlane Private Office Dept of Education Rathga...
FOI Statistics 2023
Ymateb gan Department of Education (Northern Ireland) i Rachel Hanna ar .

Yn disgwyl dosbarthiad

Rachel Thank you for your query regarding the FOI response you received, apologies that the Management Report didn’t provide you with a full breakdown...
School attendance
Ymateb gan Department of Education (Northern Ireland) i L Brennan ar .

Yn hwyr ofnadwy

I can confirm that the Department received your email dated 5/11/2021. Given that your email was a series of questions rather than a request for inform...
Mr Roberts Please find attached a response to your recent Freedom of Information request. I hope you find the information useful. Kind regards...
Mr Doherty Please see attached reply to your request for information. Best wishes Neil McCormick Information Management Team Tel – 028 9127 7...
Floor Plans


Good morning Mr Crook, In response to your email below, please see attached response along with the floorplan you requested. Kind regards Donna Kerr...
Thank you for your email   If a response to your email is required, one will be issued in due course.   This is an automated email please do no...
Y7 Pupil Questionnaire

Rhannol lwyddiannus

Dear Sir/Madam   Please find a response from the Education and Training Inspectorate in relation to your Freedom of Information request dated 12 A...
Dear Mr Campbell, please find attached response to your recent FOI request.   Regards, Julie       Julie Steen   Department of Educa...
Good afternoon Gina Please see the attached response to your recent FOI request. If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact me. Man...
Schools and Nurseries List Northern Ireland
Ymateb gan Department of Education (Northern Ireland) i John Robinson ar .

Gwybodaeth ddim yn cael ei gadw

John That is the only email addresses we hold for schools - it is the email address we use when sending out correspondence to schools. Based on previo...
James   Please find attached response to your FOI request, I hope you find this information useful.   Regards   Gemma   ==============...
Please see attached reply to your recent request for information. Regards Neil McCormick Information Management Team Tel - 028 9127 7698 xt 69098...
Early Years


Mr Degg   Please see attached reply to your request for information.   Best wishes     Neil McCormick Information Management Team Tel...
Floor Plans Request
Ymateb gan Department of Education (Northern Ireland) i Luke Crook ar .


Luke, Please see attached response following your query below. Kind Regards Scott Scott Andrews Estate Operations | Department of Education No...
Please see attached reply to your request for information.   Kind regards     Neil McCormick Information Management Team Tel – 028 9127 7...
Information on schools
Ymateb gan Department of Education (Northern Ireland) i J Blair ar .


Mr Blair Please see attached response to your request for information. Kind regards Neil McCormick Information Management Team Tel – 028 9127 7698...
Luca   Please see attached reply to your request for information.   Kind Regards     Neil McCormick Information Management Team Tel –...
Dear Mr Bates Please see attached response to your request below. Thanks Gary Rathgael House 43 Balloo Road Rathgill BANGOR BT19 7PR Email: [email...
Stephen,   Please find attached the response to your recent FoI request   Thanks   Richard Parkinson Rathgael House 43 Balloo Road Rathgil...
M Shafi Please find data attached as requested. Please note that small numbers have been subject to our suppression of data policy. I wasn’t sure wha...
List of Northern Ireland school email addresses 2023
Eglurhad a anfonwyd at Department of Education (Northern Ireland) gan M Shafi ar .

Withdrawn by the requester

Dear Freedom of Information (DE), Yes that would work. Thank you. Yours sincerely, M Shafi
List of Welsh school email addresses 2023
Eglurhad a anfonwyd at Department of Education (Northern Ireland) gan M Shafi ar .

Withdrawn by the requester

Dear Freedom of Information (DE), Yes that would work. Thank you. Yours sincerely, M Shafi
Freedom of Information Request - Salesforce

Gwybodaeth ddim yn cael ei gadw

Josh,   Please find attached reply to your request for information.   Regards,   Justin O’Hagan Records and Information Access Manager...

Dim ond ceisiadau a wnaed gan ddefnyddio WhatDoTheyKnow a ddangosir. ?