Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust

A body responsible for a major A&E department, a hospital trust, a part of the National Health Service and an NHS trust

Cais 576
Language Service Provisions
Ymateb gan Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust i Douglas ar .

Yn disgwyl dosbarthiad

Dear Douglas, FOI request duly noted – I will ensure you receive a response within the statutory 20 working day deadline. Please note that in orde...
Endoscopy Traceability Software
Ymateb gan Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust i Megan Tucker ar .

Yn disgwyl am ateb

Dear Megan, FOI request duly noted – I will ensure you receive a response within the statutory 20 working day deadline. Please note that in order...
Dear Zorina, Freedom of Information With reference to your request detailed below, I can confirm that the ENT service is provided by Medway NHS Fo...
Dear William, FOI request duly noted – I will ensure you receive a response within the statutory 20 working day deadline. Please note that in order t...
Web Filtering and training query
Ymateb gan Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust i Tim Nicholas ar .

Yn disgwyl dosbarthiad

Dear Tim, FOI request duly noted – I will ensure you receive a response within the statutory 20 working day deadline. Please note that in order to...
Decontamination Track and Trace System
Ymateb gan Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust i Hayley Levene ar .

Yn disgwyl dosbarthiad

Dear Hayley, Please review our response again as our answers would be added to the end of your questions... Kind regards, FOI Act Lead Dartford...
Dear James, Freedom of Information With reference to your request detailed below, please see the Trust’s response below in bold text. Kind regar...
Dear Juliet,   Freedom of Information With reference to your request detailed below, I can confirm the following:   The Trust does not hold...
Dear Susan, Freedom of Information With reference to your request detailed below, please see the Trust’s response below in bold text.           ...
Cancer Treatment
Ymateb gan Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust i Oliver Caswell ar .


Dear Oliver,   Freedom of Information With reference to your request detailed below, please see the Trust’s response below in bold text.      ...
Psychiatry Agency Locums 2021 - 2024
Ymateb gan Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust i Hamida Abdullah ar .

Gwybodaeth ddim yn cael ei gadw

Dear Hamida, Freedom of Information With reference to your request detailed below, I can confirm the Trust does not facilitate a Mental Health ser...
Dear Georgia,   Freedom of Information With reference to your request detailed below, please see the Trust’s response below in bold text.  ...
Dear FREEDOMOFINFORMATION (DARTFORD AND GRAVESHAM NHS TRUST), The link below goes to a PDF of the entire questionnaire. I have also attached a word d...
Brain Cancer Treatment
Ymateb gan Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust i Ed Fryer ar .

Gwybodaeth ddim yn cael ei gadw

Dear Ed,   Freedom of Information With reference to your request detailed below, I can confirm that Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust does not tr...
Agency Spend
Ymateb gan Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust i George Smith ar .

Yn disgwyl dosbarthiad

Dear George, Freedom of Information With reference to your request detailed below, please see the Trust’s response below in bold text and attached...
Bank Staff
Ymateb gan Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust i Jane Hickson ar .


Dear Jane, Freedom of Information With reference to your request detailed below, please see the Trust’s response below in bold text. I can confi...
Posology of Enoxaparin
Ymateb gan Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust i Hareem Ali ar .


Dear Hareem,   Freedom of Information With reference to your request detailed below, please see the Trust’s response below in bold text.      ...
Pressure sores
Ymateb gan Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust i Jamie Dixon ar .

Yn disgwyl dosbarthiad

Dear Jamie,   Freedom of Information With reference to your request detailed below, please see the Trust’s response below in bold text.       ...
Knee Replacements
Ymateb gan Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust i Alicia McColl ar .


Dear Alicia,   Freedom of Information With reference to your request detailed below, please see the Trust’s response below in bold text.      ...
Telephony & Storage
Ymateb gan Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust i Philip Mansfield ar .


Dear Scarlett,   Freedom of Information With reference to your request detailed below, please see the Trust’s response below in bold text.    ...
Dear Benjamin,   Freedom of Information With reference to your request detailed below, please see the Trust’s response below in bold text.    ...
Patients Treated
Ymateb gan Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust i Oliver Caswell ar .

Yn disgwyl dosbarthiad

Dear Oliver,   Freedom of Information With reference to your request detailed below, I can confirm that this Trust does not provide an Ophthalmo...
Dear Benjamin,   Freedom of Information With reference to your request detailed below, please see the Trust’s response below in bold text.    ...
Dear Hareem,   Freedom of Information With reference to your request detailed below, please see the Trust’s response below in bold text.   K...
Dear Abbey, Freedom of Information With reference to your request detailed below, please see the Trust’s response below in bold text.           ...

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