Darland High School, Wrexham
4 requests
Contracted printing devices & software
Response by Darland High School, Wrexham to Gareth Jackson on .
Dear Gareth,
Please see responses below,
Janice Barnes
Business Manager
Darland High School
Information about your dealings with Stonewall [Extraneous material removed]
Response by Darland High School, Wrexham to Mr.C.ughes on .
Long overdue
Due to the current lockdown. emails to this email address will be picked
up at regular intervals, but it may take us some time to respond.
Kind regar...
How many incidents were inappropriate sexual contact has been reported by a pupil
Request sent to Darland High School, Wrexham by Michael Richardson on .
Long overdue
This is a request under the freedom of information act 2000
Please can you confirm if there has been any and if so how many complaints by pupils regar...
Use of unqualified staff
Response by Darland High School, Wrexham to Richard Knights on .
Dear Mr Knights,
Apologies for the delay in forwarding the information you have asked for.
In the week starting 13th November, out of 915 possible...
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