Cube Housing Association Limited
A Registered Social Landlord in Scotland and a defunct authority, also called Cube
This authority no longer exists, so you cannot make a request to it.
5 requests
- all requests
- successful requests
- unsuccessful requests
- unresolved requests
Dear Sir/Madam
Please see the response to your information request.
I trust that you find this in order.
Yours sincerely
Information Governance Tea...
My name is Rob Bates, a postgraduate at the University of Cambridge. I'm currently working on a project on the UK housing market and was wondering if y...
Information on the Wyndford LED lighting replacement project
Response by Cube Housing Association Limited to Elizabeth Watt on .
Partially successful
Dear Ms Watt
Please see attached the response to your information request.
I trust that you find this in order.
Information Governance Tea...
Freedom of Information - Recruitment
Response by Cube Housing Association Limited to Kirsty Duffin on .
Morning Kirsty
Please see letter attached sent in response to FOI request to Cube Housing
Information Governanc...
OT Assessment Waiting List Numbers - HA
Request sent to Cube Housing Association Limited by Nikki Thompson on .
Long overdue
Dear FOI team,
Please provide the following information in email format:
1. Number of residents currently awaiting an OT assessment
2. How many OT...
Only requests made using WhatDoTheyKnow are shown. ?