Criminal Procedure Rule Committee
17 requests
- all requests
- successful requests
- unsuccessful requests
- unresolved requests
Minutes of meetings
Response by Criminal Procedure Rule Committee to Gideon Leibowitz on .
Dear Mr Leibowitz,
Thank you for your message. I am the secretary to the Criminal Procedure Rule Committee.
I attach the minutes of the Rule Committe...
Dear Mr Yuraszek,
Thank you for your enquiry and for your reminder. I am sorry to have failed to reply much more quickly.
I am the secretary to the C...
CPR - Signature of Documents by mechanical means
Response by Criminal Procedure Rule Committee to RICHARD VALDRY on .
Partially successful
Dear Mr Valdry,
The short answer (in my opinion: don't forget what I've said about the importance of you taking independent legal advice) is: yes.
Appeal to the Supreme Court of the United kingdom on Volunteer bill of Indictment 1915 & 1933 Act and Electronic Communications
Response by Criminal Procedure Rule Committee to Ismail Abdulhai Bhamjee on .
Partially successful
Dear Mr Bhamjee,
Thank you for your message.
I attach a copy of your previous request and of my reply, to which I regret that I cannot add.
I unders...
Evidence of the Committee actually still functioning
Follow up sent to Criminal Procedure Rule Committee by BillEllson on .
Dear Mr Solly,
Thank you for your expeditious and comprehensive responses.
Your assistance is much appreciated.
Yours sincerely,
Bill Ellson...
Dear Mr Wu,
Thank you for your message. The Criminal Procedure Rule Committee is a
statutory body appointed under section 70 of the Courts Act 2...
Contempt of Court submissions
Response by Criminal Procedure Rule Committee to E. Colville on .
Dear Mr Colville,
Thank you for your message. I am the secretary to the Criminal Procedure Rule Committee.
I attach a copy of the Committee paper whi...
Only requests made using WhatDoTheyKnow are shown. ?