Corpus Christi College, Cambridge

A Cambridge college

135 requests
'Keeping term' enforcement at Corpus Christi
Response by Corpus Christi College, Cambridge to Esther Knowles on .

Awaiting classification

Good Afternoon In response to your FOI request, please see our response in ‘Red’ below. Best wishes FOI Officer   From: Esther Knowles <[1][F...
Dear Mr A. Jarvis Please find below a table of min, median and max rents over the last six years.  We are only required to maintain 6years of data a...
Undergraduate Law interview info
Response by Corpus Christi College, Cambridge to Anna Hales on .


Dear Ms Hales, I write to acknowledge receipt of your Freedom of Information request dated 21st August 2023. The answer to your question is that t...
Good Morning Thank you for your FOI Request. Please see our response in red below. Best wishes Francesca From: Esther Knowles <[FOI #111...
Divest Border Violence FOI
Response by Corpus Christi College, Cambridge to H. Brown on .

Awaiting classification

Good Morning   Thank you for your FOI request below.   Under Section 43 (commercial interests) Corpus is unable to disclose the information yo...
Dear Lawrence   In response to your EIR request, no trees have been removed by Corpus Christi College due to property or infrastructure damage in...
Good Afternoon   Please see our response as follows:    1. A flowchart of how the college disciplinary procedure works, including:   A flo...
Frontline welfare staff recruitment and training
Response by Corpus Christi College, Cambridge to H. Brown on .

Awaiting classification

Good Morning   Please see our response below in ‘Red’ together with the attachments to respond to your FOI request.   (1) How many porters hav...
Dear John   Apologies for the delay in coming back to you about a review of our handling of your FOI request 'College investments into the followi...
Engineering Admissions Statistics 2023-24
Response by Corpus Christi College, Cambridge to James P. on .

Awaiting classification

Dear James   Thank you for sending us this FOI.   Unfortunately, it is our policy not to provide any data at all for a current admissions roun...
Dear Mr Stephens   In response to your FOI request below, please note the following: For anyone who may need access to gender-affirming resources...
Living wage practices
Response by Corpus Christi College, Cambridge to H. Brown on .


Good Afternoon   Please find below and attached our response to your FOI. Best wishes Francesca   Francesca Pocock Bursars’ Executive Ass...
Good Morning   Please find below our response to your FOI with the answers highlighted in red and also attached in a spreadsheet as requested. B...
Good Afternoon   Further to your question below, I confirm that the numbers only include those who directly applied to Corpus or were taken from t...
A100 statistics
Response by Corpus Christi College, Cambridge to Treasa on .

Awaiting classification

Good Afternoon   Please find attached the data in response to this FOI request.   Best wishes     Corpus Christi College     From:...
Offers to UCAS Apply Centre (10092)
Response by Corpus Christi College, Cambridge to Mx Atia on .

Awaiting classification

Good Morning   In response to your FOI below, all numbers for this FOI request are below 5, so the data is too small to release due to a risk of i...
Good Morning   In response to your FOI below, all numbers for this FOI request are below 5, so the data is too small to release due to a risk of i...
Dear Kate   Many thanks for your response.   We have a sustainability officer called Judy Hirst who is a Fellow of the College. She is likely...
Good Afternoon   On behalf of the College, I confirm there are no conventions, guidelines or rules pertaining to the discussion of Regent House or...
Grace on Fossil Fuels
Response by Corpus Christi College, Cambridge to Sam Greenwood on .

Information not held

Dear Sam   In relation to your FOI below, I confirm that our searches have concluded that there is no email correspondence relating to your reques...
Fitness to Study Procedures
Response by Corpus Christi College, Cambridge to Daisy Thomas on .

Partially successful

Good Afternoon   Please find our response in ‘Red’ below.   We have not included the 2021-22 figures in our answer to (6) because that would r...
Economics Admission Statistics
Response by Corpus Christi College, Cambridge to Joseph Parker on .

Partially successful

Dear Mr Parker   Thank you for your request for information made under the Freedom of Information Act.   Between 2104 and 2016 we had a total...
Student Beds
Response by Corpus Christi College, Cambridge to Neil Smith on .


Good Afternoon   Regarding the FOI request below, please see our response in Red:   Please could you provide the number of student beds you are...
English MPhil scholarships
Response by Corpus Christi College, Cambridge to Stephanie Williams on .

Partially successful

Good Afternoon   Please find below, the answers to your questions in ‘Red’. Best wishes Francesca   Francesca Pocock Bursars’ Executive A...
Land access
Response by Corpus Christi College, Cambridge to [Name Removed] on .


Good Afternoon Please find our response to your FOI highlighted in red below. Best wishes Francesca From: [Name Removed] <[1][FOI #911315 email...

Only requests made using WhatDoTheyKnow are shown. ?