Agency spend for 2023/24
Response by City of Westminster College to ETHEL on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Ethel, A response to this request was sent to you on 19 June, Thank you Zoë Zoë Lawrence MBA PGDipCG Director of Governance [email address...
Student Data
Response by City of Westminster College to Liton Miah on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Matthew, The number of learners doing resits is the number who have previously taken their GCSE at the college, not the number taking GCSEs at the...
Management Structure and Contacts
Response by City of Westminster College to Tony Payne on .

Awaiting classification

I am currently out of the office, returning on Mon 15 April 2024, though will be checking emails at intervals.  If your query is urgent please call o...
Dear Harry, Please find attached organisational charts in response to your FOI request below. Please be aware that City of Westminster College and the...
IT Strategy
Response by City of Westminster College to Niamh Johnson on .


Dear Niamh, Thank you for your FOI request below. We received a similar request for the College of North West London. CWC and CNWL merged to form Unit...
DBS Applications
Response by City of Westminster College to Victor Howe on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Victor, The College and North West London and City of Westminster college merged in 2017. The response below is for the merged College Group - Uni...
SLT external events expenditure
Response by City of Westminster College to Thomas Cooper on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Thomas   Please find the response to your questions below.   Best wishes Claire Claire Collins Director of People and Communications...
Agency spend 21/22
Response by City of Westminster College to Louise Kingsley on .


Dear Louise, Please find the response to your FOI request attached. Thank you Zoë United Colleges Group Agency spend analysis For the period Sep-21...
Dear [Name Removed]  Please find the response below.  Please note that the figures relate to those staff who have identified as British Muslim.  ...
GCSE English resit grade 4 or above pass rate
Response by City of Westminster College to Liton Miah on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Liton, Please find the information you requested below. Thank you Zoë GCSE (9-1) in English Language 17/18 55.1% 18/19 32.7% 19/20 87.1% 20/21 49...
Student data
Response by City of Westminster College to Arnold Mattew on .


Dear Arnold, Please find data attached as requested in response to your FOI request. Thank you Zoë Lawrence Zoë Lawrence Director of Governance [ema...
I would be most grateful if you would provide me, under the Freedom of Information Act, details in respect to any Catering, Cleaning, Security, Technic...
IT Print and PC Supplier
Response by City of Westminster College to Matthew Varns on .

Partially successful

Dear Matthew, Please see below in response to your FOI request. I am currently unable to provide a response to question 9 as the individual is absent....
Manager list
Response by City of Westminster College to Debbie Sharpe on .

Long overdue

I am currently out of the office, returning on Mon 2 Aug 2021. If you need to contact me urgently I can be reached on 07956 275142. I will be looki...
Agency Spend 2020/21
Response by City of Westminster College to Debbie Sharpe on .


Dear Debbie Please find response to your FOI request below. Please note that City of Westminster College merged with the College of North West London i...
Dear Ermine Amies, Thank you for your FOI request below. I apologise for the late response. I can advise that we have had no dealings with Stonewall in...
Agency spend 2019/2020
Response by City of Westminster College to Debbie Sharpe on .


Dear Debbie, Please find the information requested attached. The City of Westminster College merged with the College of North West London in 2017 and b...
Recruitment Agency Spent
Response by City of Westminster College to Pamela Kurti on .

Long overdue

Dear Pamela, Thank you for your FOI request. The United Colleges Group of which City of Westminster College is part following a merger in 2017 has spe...
Agency Spend
Response by City of Westminster College to Jack Marsden on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Jack, Thank you for your FOI request. The United Colleges Group of which City of Westminster College is part following a merger in 2017 has spent...
Dear Paul Evans, Further to your FOI request, please find responses below to your questions. Q. How many buildings do you occupy which have air condit...
Printing and Print services
Request sent to City of Westminster College by Colin on .

Long overdue

Please can you assist me through the Freedom of Information act in providing the following information please: 1. Please state the number of printin...
Agency Spend 2018/2019
Response by City of Westminster College to Lauren Beaumont on .


Dear Mrs. Beaumont,   Further to your Freedom of Information request per your e-mail below, please find attached a report on our spend from 01-Aug...
FOI: bereavement services
Request sent to City of Westminster College by Poppy Damon on .

Long overdue

I am e-mailing to make a request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. If you have any questions or need clarification to complete my request, I...
Workforce Development Information
Follow up sent to City of Westminster College by Chris Sharman on .

Long overdue

I am writing to remind you of my previous open government request for all the information to which I am entitled under the Freedom of Information Act 2...
Agency Spend 2017/2018
Response by City of Westminster College to Robert M on .

Long overdue

Thank you for your email. I am currently out of the office due to unforeseen circumstances and will respond upon my return. If your enquiry is urge...

Only requests made using WhatDoTheyKnow are shown. ?