IT / MFD / Print Hardware
Response by City of Bristol College to Lauren on .


Dear Lauren We are writing in response to your recent request for information and are able to provide a partial response to your questions. a) Photoc...
College Rebrand
Response by City of Bristol College to Matthew Dorrell on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Matthew We are writing in response to your recent request for information and are able to provide a partial response to your questions. The allo...
Access control systems
Response by City of Bristol College to K York on .


Dear K York We are writing in response to your request for information and are able to confirm the following: - The make and model of readers used -...
Recruitment Information
Response by City of Bristol College to Luke Beastall on .

Partially successful

Dear Luke Thank you for your email and request for information, please find the answers to your questions below. - Did you use recruitment agencies t...
Management Structure and Contacts
Response by City of Bristol College to Tony Payne on .

Partially successful

Dear Mr Payne We are writing in response to your recent request for information. Please find attached a list of the Senior Leadership Team roles, and...
Dear Mr Dorrell We are writing in response to your recent request for information. We are able to provide a partial response only, as a total for Hi...
Agency Spend 2023/24
Response by City of Bristol College to ETHEL on .


Dear Ethel We are writing in response to your recent request for information, please find the answers to your questions below. We cannot provide the...
Management of Corporate Estates and Maintenance
Response by City of Bristol College to Harold Smith on .

Information not held

Dear Mr Smith Thank you for your recent Freedom of Information request, which we are now able to provide a response to, as follows: -How are faciliti...
Dear Mr Dowling We are writing in response to your recent request for information. Please find attached a list of the Senior Leadership Team roles, a...
Admissions data
Response by City of Bristol College to George Rickwood on .

Awaiting classification

Good afternoon George   We are writing in response to your recent request for information.   Please find attached a excel spreadsheet listing t...
Updated Organogram Request
Response by City of Bristol College to Tyreece Kennedy-Williams on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Tyreece Thank you for your email. We are unable to provide individual staff members names, in response to your FOI query; and as we explained in...
Agency Spend 2022/2023
Response by City of Bristol College to Tyreece Kennedy-Williams on .


Dear Tyreece We are writing in response to your recent request for information. We are unable to provide a breakdown by agencies used, this is because...
DBS Applications
Response by City of Bristol College to Victor Howe on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Victor Thank you for your enquiry. I can confirm that we use the UKCRBS website for online DBS applications. In the last year between June 2023...
Higher Education Students & Validating Partners
Response by City of Bristol College to Tyler Matthews on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Tyler Refusal notice issued under Freedom of Information Act Section 43(2) Further to your Freedom of Information Request of 7 November 2022, we...
Consultancy Fees
Response by City of Bristol College to Cllr Lisa Stone on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Councillor Stone Refusal notice issued under Freedom of Information Act Section 43(2) Further to your Freedom of Information Request of 6 Octobe...
Salaries of all employed people.
Response by City of Bristol College to Cllr Lisa Stone on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Councillor Stone Refusal notice issued under Freedom of Information Act Section 43(2) Further to your Freedom of Information Request of 6 Octobe...
Agency spend 2021/22
Response by City of Bristol College to Adam Clayton on .


Dear Adam Refusal notice issued under Freedom of Information Act Section 43(2) Further to your Freedom of Information Request of 10 June 2022, we can...
Staffing Enquiries
Response by City of Bristol College to Mr D Poles on .

Partially successful

Dear Mr Poles Thank you for your Freedom of Information Request dated 12 May 2022, please find our response to your queries below. Please note that t...
Higher Education Student Numbers
Response by City of Bristol College to Mark Green on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Mr Green   Further to your Freedom of Information Request of 29 March 2022 requesting ‘the number of students enrolled on a higher education...
Union reps
Response by City of Bristol College to Abdul Hai on .

Partially successful

Dear Abdul Hai,   Thank you for your email dated 18 October regarding your FOI request to City of Bristol College.   We have answered the ques...
Agency Spend
Response by City of Bristol College to Natalie Cooper on .


Dear Natalie Refusal notice issued under Freedom of Information Act Section 43(2) Further to your Freedom of Information Request of 3 June 2021, we c...
Dear M Ahmed   Thank you for your Freedom of Information Request dated 18 February 2021  Please find our answers to your queries below.   For...
Recruitment Advertising
Response by City of Bristol College to katie wogel on .


Dear Katie Thank you for your email. Please find below the figures requested. Period: Calendar year 2016 Advertising £27960.83 Recruitment fee £126...
Trainee teacher NQT data request.
Response by City of Bristol College to Luke Patrick on .

Partially successful

Dear Luke See below the data for staff who started teacher training (2 year, part time course) in Jan 2015 and completed December 2016. We do not hav...
Ashley Down site long term strategy
Response by City of Bristol College to sd on .


Dear S Davies   Thank you for your FOI request to City of Bristol College dated 24 January 2021.   As you indicate, Davy House, one of the bui...

Only requests made using WhatDoTheyKnow are shown. ?