Dear Harry, We do not handle all recruitment in house. We are not part of a trust or group. We do not use a managed service provider for our recruit...
Management Structure and Contacts
Response by City College Peterborough to Tony Payne on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Tony, In response to your request for information, I have attached a structure chart which shows the job titles of our senior and middle manager...
Modern Foreign Language A-Levels
Response by City College Peterborough to Jessica Sharkey on .


Hi Jessica Sharkey, Good Morning Jessica, This is a quick one as we do not offer A Levels of any kind. We receive some FE funding for 16-19 year-ol...
Manager list/organogram
Response by City College Peterborough to Tom Jones on .

Partially successful

Good morning, Thank you for your email, I have linked below our website, which shows our Executive Leadership Team. [1]https://citycollegepeterboro...
Organisation Chart
Request sent to City College Peterborough by Callum Newton on .

Long overdue

Can you please provide an up to date manager list/organogram for the college? Yours faithfully, Callum Newton
Agency Spend
Response by City College Peterborough to Natalie Cooper on .

Information not held

Good Morning I cannot find your previous email, it doesn’t look like it was received Please may you send it again and I will endeavour to help you,...
Manager List
Response by City College Peterborough to Tanya Flowers on .

Long overdue

The college is currently closed to the public but we will reply to your emails within 48 HRS Monday to Friday  Thank you for your email, it is very i...
Organisational Chart and Agency Spend
Response by City College Peterborough to Francesca Gold on .

Awaiting classification

Good Afternoon Please find attached as requested. Kind regards, Olga Raby Assistant Finance Manager Finance Department City College Peterboro...
Advertising and Agency Spend
Follow up sent to City College Peterborough by Coral Handley on .


Dear Graham Jones, Thank you for your prompt response. The delay was completely understandable. Yours sincerely, Coral Handley
organogram Structure chart
Response by City College Peterborough to Lisa Tucker on .


Good afternoon Lisa Please see attached as per your recent request. The information here is the same as what I sent for your previous request, please...
Good afternoon Lisa Please see below information as requested. Spend by department is split by the following 6% Apprenticeships 61% Projects 17% Soc...
Staff Organogram
Response by City College Peterborough to Coral Handley on .


Good afternoon Coral Please see attached a copy of our organisational chart for 2020. Please accept my apologies again for the delay in releasing this...
MFDs & Managed Print Services
Response by City College Peterborough to WIlliam Gerrard on .

Awaiting classification

City College Peterborough This message contains confidential information and is intended only for the individual(s) addressed in the message. If you...

Only requests made using WhatDoTheyKnow are shown. ?