Cheney School, Oxford
Cais 9
This mailbox is no longer active, please send future emails to
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This email, all content herein and any attachments are covered...
Please find attached for your information:
A log of expenses over the last 3 months
Our staff code of conduct which details information about alcohol...
Recruitment and retention: British Muslims
Ymateb gan Cheney School, Oxford i [Name Removed] ar .
Dear [Name Removed]
We write further to our email dated 10 February, acknowledging your
Freedom of Information Request. In response to your request:...
Information relating to school dog
Ymateb gan Cheney School, Oxford i Robert Tibilder ar .
Dear Mr Tibilder,
Further to my email of 28 November, please see attached my response to the
concerns you raised by way of an email dated 26 Nov...
Dear Victoria Hathaway,
Thank you for your assistance, you have been extremely helpful
Yours sincerely,
John Collins
Dear John,
You will find the trust wide procurement policy is publicly available in
the financial procedures document on the [1]Community School...
Costs involved with new mural
This is rather interesting, as the school crowdfunded £3175.00 (with a goal of £5000) to fund this mural. (After just giving costs, I estimate this to...
Number of in-year admissions and schools from which pupils came
Ymateb gan Cheney School, Oxford i James Halinson ar .
Dear James Halinson,
Here is the data you requested. This data was exported from SIMS on the
Luke Mills
Data Anal...
Admssions query - primary schools from which pupils were admitted
Ymateb gan Cheney School, Oxford i James Halinson ar .
Dear James,
My apologies for the delay- please find the information from our data team attached.
Kind regards,
Gemma Flegg
Executive Assistant to th...
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