Agency Spend 2023/24
Response by Chelmsford College to Amelia Flanagan on .


Hi Amelia In response to your Freedom of Information Request, we have attached a table of our agency spend for the academic year 2023/24. All of this...
Access control systems
Follow up sent to Chelmsford College by K York on .


Dear Data Enquiries, Thank you so much for your prompt and detailed response. Have a great day! Yours sincerely, K York
Recruitment Information
Response by Chelmsford College to Amelia Flanagan on .


Hi Amelia In response to your request we would provide the following information: Did you use recruitment agencies to support your recruitment of aca...
Admission statistics for home educated people
Response by Chelmsford College to Lisa Thomas on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Lisa Thank you for your Freedom of Information Request. We have trawled the learner records for admissions to the 2023/24 academic year, and can...
Management Structure and Contacts
Response by Chelmsford College to Tony Payne on .

Awaiting classification

Good morning,   Thank you for your Freedom of Information Request.  Please find attached the College’s Senior and Middle Management structure.  ...
Organogram – 2023/2024 including plans for 2024/2025
Response by Chelmsford College to Harry Dowling on .

Partially successful

Good morning,   Thank you for your Freedom of Information Request.  Please find attached the College’s Senior and Middle Management structure.  No...
Modern Foreign Language A-Levels
Response by Chelmsford College to Jessica Sharkey on .


Dear Jessica Chelmsford College is a General Further Education College. The College has not offered A-Levels since 2014 and has not taught modern fo...
DBS Applications
Response by Chelmsford College to Victor Howe on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Mr Howe In response to your emailed FoI request on 28 Jun 2023, we can advise that Chelmsford College has made a total of 259 DBS applications...
21/22 Recruitment Agency spend
Response by Chelmsford College to Coral Handley on .


Dear Coral Please find attached the data to support our response to your Freedom of Information Request. Best Regards Data Protection Team Total Age...
Extended Learning Leavers' Outcomes
Response by Chelmsford College to N Walker on .


Dear Mrs Walker Apologies if we have caused any confusion. The percentages quoted in our previous response relate to those who gained employment and c...
Agency Spend
Response by Chelmsford College to Amber Watts on .

Partially successful

Dear Amber We have a single contract which fits these criteria which amounts to a cost of £80K per annum. Best regards Data protection
Climate Change Agenda following COP26
Response by Chelmsford College to Rebecca Harrison on .


Dear Rebecca Whilst we were previously not fully aware of the regulations, we have made arrangements to comply in full by 31 Jan 2022. Our Sustainabil...
Agency Spend 20/21
Response by Chelmsford College to Charlotte on .


Dear Charlotte Please find attached the information you requested. Best regards Data Protection Team Staff Costs Row Labels HUNTER EDUCATION LIMITED...
Manager List
Response by Chelmsford College to Debbie Sharpe on .


Hi Debbie Please find attached the current organogram for Chelmsford College. You should note that it only includes names which are already in the publ...
FOI Request – Confidential waste
Response by Chelmsford College to Chris Pearson on .


Please find attached The information required in response to your Freedom of Information Request. Best regards Data Protection Team Confidential Was...
Hi Pamela In response to your question: "The total of recruitment agency the college has sent this academic year" the figure is £47,731. Best regard...
Please find our response to your request for information below: Q. How many buildings do you occupy which have air conditioning. Provide addresses? C...
FOI: bereavement services
Response by Chelmsford College to Poppy Damon on .


Dear Georgia and Poppy Please find the answers to your questions below: Do you offer special provisions for counselling services for students spec...
Digital learning
Response by Chelmsford College to Katie Fisher on .


Please find below our response to the question posed in your FoI request. How many full time learners do you have at the college? 2141 Do you use Micr...
Agency Spend 2018/2019
Response by Chelmsford College to Lauren Beaumont on .


Hi Please find our response to your request contained in the attached file. Best regards Figures quoted are exclusive of VAT Agency Staff Spend 2018/...
Union reps
Response by Chelmsford College to Abdul Hai on .

Awaiting classification

Hi Abdul Our response to your FoI request, by question number, is below: 1. 4 2. 2 of these 4 individuals receive 3 hours per week of remission; term...
Workforce Development Information
Response by Chelmsford College to Chris Sharman on .


Hi Chris Chelmsford College does not use a learning Management System or e-learning solution for staff training. There are no plans to introduce such...
Fire extinguishers
Response by Chelmsford College to Glenn on .


Hi Glenn Please find below the answers to your questions: 330 Fire Extinguishers Serviced by - City Fire Protection & Maintenance Services LLP Yes we...
Organogram/Structure Chart 2017/2018
Request sent to Chelmsford College by Gioia Capuano on .

Long overdue

Please can you provide me with the Colleges latest Organogram/Structure Chart. Yours faithfully, Gioia Capuano
Agency Spend 2017/2018
Response by Chelmsford College to Robert M on .


Thank you for your request regarding our Agency Spend. We have attached details for 2017/18 as requested. The attachment lists the Agencies used and th...

Only requests made using WhatDoTheyKnow are shown. ?