Dear Ms Ponting
We are writing to acknowledge receipt today Wednesday 10th June 2015 of your request for information under the Freedom of Information...
Dear Mr Dean,
Please find attached our formal response to your Freedom of Information
request, reference FOI 424-16 refers.
We would be gr...
Dear Mr Dean,
Please find attached our formal response to your Freedom of Information
request, reference FOI 423-16 refers.
We are sorry f...
Dear Mr Dean,
Please find attached our formal response to your Freedom of Information
request, reference FOI 425-16 refers.
We are sorry f...
Dear Mr Amin,
Please find attached the response to your FOI request.
Kind regards
FOI Team
Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust...
Dear Mr Park,
Central Manchester University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust (CMFT) which
runs Manchester Royal Infirmary (MRI) does not provide ad...
Dear N Clifford,
Please find attached the response to your recent FOI request.
Kind regards,
FOI Team
FOI Team
Dear Thomas Newton
Please find attached our response to your recent Freedom of Information
request, reference FOI 017-16.
We would be grat...
Dear Ms Langley
Please accept my apologies for the delay in getting this response to you.
I am only in the office three days a week on a consult...
Dear Ms Harris,
Please find attached the response to your recent FOI request.
We apologise for they delay in our response and any incoven...
Dear Mr David Walker
Please find attached our response to your recent Freedom of Information
request, reference FOI 486 -15
We are sorry f...
Dear B Graham,
Please find attached our formal response to your Freedom of Information
request, reference FOI 435-17 refers.
We would be g...
Dear Mr Magnusson,
Please find attached our formal response to your Freedom of Information
request, reference FOI 260-17 refers.
We apolog...
Dear Ms Br,
Please find attached our formal response to your Freedom of Information
request, reference FOI 211 -17 refers.
We apologise fo...
Dear Jamelia Powers
Please find attached our response to your recent Freedom of Information
request, reference FOI 128-16
We would be grat...
Dear Mr Kemp,
Our legal services department have provided the following information in
relation to your query as to why out of the 15 deaths lis...
Dear Mr Fieldhouse
Please see the attached response to your request for information.
Yours sincerely
Nicholas Jones
Data Protection...
Dear Mr Julian,
Please find attached our formal response to your Freedom of Information
request, reference FOI 067-17 refers.
We apologise...
Dear Mr Dean,
Please find attached our formal response to your Freedom of Information
request, reference FOI 422-16 refers.
We are sorry f...
Dear Ms Harding,
Please find attached our formal response to your recent Freedom of
Information request, reference FOI 143-13 refers. We are sor...
Dear J Taylor,
Please find attached the response to your request for a review.
Kind regards
FOI Team
Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust
Dear Ms Tylko-Hill,
Please find re-attached the response to your FOI request.
Kind regards
FOI Team
Manchester University NHS Foundatio...
Dear Ms Ingles,
Please find attached our formal response to your Freedom of Information
request, reference FOI 343-17 refers.
We would be...
Dear Mr Thompson
Please find attached the response to your recent FOI request.
Kind regards
FOI Team
Manchester University NHS Foundati...
Dear Ms Barber,
Please find attached the response to your recent FOI request.
Kind regards,
FOI Team
Manchester U...
Only requests made using WhatDoTheyKnow are shown.