Room usage and capacity
Ymateb gan Capel Manor College i William Thomas ar .


Dear William, Thank you for your Freedom of Information request of 7th November 2024 regarding list of our rooms, their primary usage, assigned depart...
Estate information
Ymateb gan Capel Manor College i William Thomas ar .

Rhannol lwyddiannus

Dear William, Firstly I would like to apologise for the delay in responding and thank you for your Freedom of Information request of 10th September 20...
Access control systems
Ymateb gan Capel Manor College i K York ar .


Dear K York, Thank you for your Freedom of Information request of 2nd September 2024. I can confirm that the College does hold the sensitive commerci...
Recruitment Information
Ymateb gan Capel Manor College i Amelia Flanagan ar .


Dear Amelia, Thank you for your Freedom of Information request of 30th August 2024. The College does use recruitment agencies to support recruitment...
Agency Spend
Ymateb gan Capel Manor College i Luke Beastall ar .


Dear Luke, Thank you for your Freedom of Information request of 20th August 2024. Please find attached breakdown of our agency spend per month for th...
Management Structure and Contacts
Ymateb gan Capel Manor College i Tony Payne ar .

Yn disgwyl dosbarthiad

Dear Tony, Thank you for your Freedom of Information request of 10th April 2024. Please find attached our management structure. As the College’s Dat...
Dear Mr Dowling,   Thank you for your request, I have attached the required information.   Kind regards,   Janice Pye Management Informat...
Modern Foreign Language A-Levels
Ymateb gan Capel Manor College i Jessica Sharkey ar .

Yn disgwyl dosbarthiad

Dear Jessica,   Thank you for your Freedom of Information request of 13^th February 2024 regarding foreign language A levels.   Capel Manor Colleg...
College structure request
Ymateb gan Capel Manor College i Lauren Eden ar .


Dear Lauren, Thank you for your Freedom of Information Request of the 23rd October 2023. As requested please find attached organisation chart includi...
Agency Spend 22/23
Ymateb gan Capel Manor College i Lauren Eden ar .


Dear Lauren, Thank you for your Freedom of Information request of 21st August 2023. The following is a break down of the money spent on staff through...
Agency Spend 22/23
Dilynol a anfonwyd at Capel Manor College gan Lauren Eden ar .

Yn hwyr ofnadwy

Dear Richard Davies, The request is for 22/23 please. Yours sincerely, Lauren
DBS Applications
Ymateb gan Capel Manor College i Victor Howe ar .

Yn disgwyl dosbarthiad

Dear Victor,   Thank you for your Freedom of Information request of 28^th June 2023 regarding DBS applications.   Capel Manor College uses a third...
Agency Spend
Ymateb gan Capel Manor College i Amber Watts ar .


Dear Amber, Please be advised that the non- Academic Agency Spend for 2022 is 348,567.00 Regards, Jo
Agency Spend 2021/22
Ymateb gan Capel Manor College i Tanya Flowers ar .


Dear Tanya, Thank you for your Freedom of Information request of 10th June 2022 concerning our recruitment agency spend for the "21/22 Academic year”....
Agency Spend 2020 - 2021
Ymateb gan Capel Manor College i Tanya Flowers ar .


Dear Tanya,   Thank you for your Freedom of Information request of 6 July 2021 concerning our recruitment agency spend for the “20/21 academic year”...
Climate Change Agenda following COP26
Ymateb gan Capel Manor College i Rebecca Harrison ar .


Dear Rebecca, Thank you for your Freedom of Information request concerning Air Conditioning Inspection Reporting. Compliance with this statutory obli...
Manager List
Ymateb gan Capel Manor College i Debbie Sharpe ar .

Rhannol lwyddiannus

Dear Debbie,   Please find attached the staffing structure, the names cannot be disclosed but this shows the management structure / roles.   Regar...
IT Print and PC Supplier
Ymateb gan Capel Manor College i Matthew Varns ar .

Yn hwyr ofnadwy

Dear Matthew, Thank you for your Freedom of Information request of 11th February 2021 requesting details of the College’s IT hardware and suppliers....
Dear Pamela, I can confirm that the recruitment agency spend, to date for this academic year, is £135,324. Regards, Jo Joanne Coffey Clerk to the...
Recruitment Agency Spent
Ymateb gan Capel Manor College i Pamela Kurti ar .

Yn hwyr ofnadwy

Dear Pamela, Thank you for your Freedom of Information request of 9 July 2020 concerning our recruitment agency spend for the current academic year....
Agency Spend
Ymateb gan Capel Manor College i Jack Marsden ar .

Yn hwyr ofnadwy

Dear Jack, Thank you for your Freedom of Information request of 17th June 2020 concerning our recruitment agency spend for the current academic year....
Dear Scott, Thank you for your Freedom of Information request concerning Air Conditioning Inspection Reporting. I am pleased to confirm that we have...
Recruitment Spend 2018/2019
Ymateb gan Capel Manor College i Amanda Taylor ar .


Dear Amanda, Thank you for your Freedom of Information request 23rd May 2019 requesting details of the College’s recruitment spend per agency for 2018...
FOI: bereavement services
Ymateb gan Capel Manor College i Poppy Damon ar .


Dear Georgia & Poppy,   Thank you for your email and for your Freedom of Information request.   Please see below for the answers to each of the...
Workforce Development Information
Ymateb gan Capel Manor College i Chris Sharman ar .

Rhannol lwyddiannus

( On behalf of Susanne Datta, Director of HR, Capel Manor College )   Dear Mr Sharman,     Please see below:     1. Does your organisat...

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