Calderdale College
A higher educational institution and a further educational institution
53 requests
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You requested an internal review of our handling of your information request, which we received on 3rd September 2024.
This internal review is...
Please may I request your recruitment agency spend for the 2023-2024 academic year?
I appreciate that this has been answered in a previous request, h...
Management of Corporate Estates and Maintenance
Response by Calderdale College to Harold Smith on .
Dear Harold
Please find the answers to your queries below.
Kind regards
Head of Human Resources and Organisational Devel...
Please could you provide me with agency spend, broken down by agency and department from September 2023 until present?
Yours faithfully,
Ashleigh K...
Management Structure and Contacts
Request sent to Calderdale College by Tony Payne on .
Long overdue
Please provide a current organisation chart showing senior and middle managers, and an excel spreadsheet with a list of names, job titles and contact e...
Organogram – 2023/2024 including plans for 2024/2025
Response by Calderdale College to Harry Dowling on .
Dear Harry
Please find a structure chart as requested. To answer your queries no positions are vacant and we have no plans to change in 2024/5.
Information on Arts, Media and Design students
Follow up sent to Calderdale College by Neil Wilby on .
Thanks for resolving so quickly.
The internal review request now falls away and your file on this request may be closed
Best regards,...
My name is George Rickwood, and I am reaching out to request detailed information regarding your university's admission cycles from 2013-2023.
Dear Victor
The College's DBS applications are processed in-house using a predominantly paper based system. In the last year the College processed 245...
Can you please provide me with the latest organisation structure chart for the College including names, departments and job titles?
Yours faithfully,...
Please could you provide me with a breakdown with your full agency spend for the 21/22 academic year. Could you split this by department/agencies if po...
Hi Tom,
Jonathan has asked me to send on the list of managers as requested.
Please find this information attached.
Please can you confirm receipt...
Please can you provide me with the agency spend broken down by agency and department.
Yours faithfully,
Victoria Edgar
Dear Cameron
Please find attached a spreadsheet containing the information you requested under the Freedom of Information Act.
I hope it is helpful t...
Climate Change Agenda following COP26
Response by Calderdale College to Rebecca Harrison on .
Dear Rebecca
Please accept my apologies for the delay in responding to you. I hope the
answers to your questions below are helpful to you.
Kind re...
Dear Chris
Further to your requests please find the information below.
Kind regards
Head of Human...
Dear Debbie
Please find attached as requested.
Kind regards
Head of Human Resources and Organisational Development
Dear Natalie
Please find attached the information you requested.
Kind regards
Head of Human Resources and Organisational...
I’m seeking information from the College regarding Managed Print Services. Please review the below questions and respond in 20 days.
• Current suppli...
Agency Spend 2019/2020 and College structure chart
Request sent to Calderdale College by Ellie on .
Long overdue
Please can you provide me with your total agency spend so far in the 2019/2020 academic year.
Also Please can you provide me with the organogram/stru...
Dear Naomi
Please find as requested. We do not currently have a PSL or agreements
with Agencies.
Kind regards
Please can you supply an up to date organisational chart showing APs, Heads of Department and Curriculam Leads please.
Yours faithfully,
Laura Eat...
Air Conditioning Inspection Report Environmental Compliance Audit (commonly known as an ACI TM44)
Request sent to Calderdale College by Paul Evans on .
Long overdue
This request relates to UK Environmental Legislation, specifically Air Conditioning Inspection Reporting, which is mandatory for UK buildings which are...
Recruitment Aency spend 2018/19 to date
Response by Calderdale College to Debbie Sharpe on .
Dear Debbie
Please accept our apologies for the delay in sending this information.
Kind regards
Head of HR and Organisa...
Agency Spend 17/18 & College Structure
Response by Calderdale College to Kayleigh Clark on .
Dear Kayleigh
Further to your request on the College’s Agency spend and structure please
find attached.
Kind regards
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