Access control systems
Response by Bury College to K York on .


Our Ref. FOI2024-132 Dear K York You requested an internal review of our handling of your information request, which we received on 4 September....
Agency Spend
Response by Bury College to Luke Beastall on .


Our Ref. FOIA2024-130 Dear Luke Beastall Further to our response to your freedom of information request, I am writing to provide a supplement that...
Our Ref. FOI2024-125   Dear Harold Smith   Further to your request under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 the College can...
Union reps
Response by Bury College to Abdul Hai on .


Dear Abdul,   Please find below the responses to your Freedom of Information request.   Kind Regards FOI Administrator Bury College | Woodb...
Our Ref. FOIA2024-120 Dear Harry Dowling Thank you for your patience while we have been preparing a fuller response to your request. Please see at...
Management Structure and Contacts
Response by Bury College to Tony Payne on .

Awaiting classification

Our Ref. FOIA2023-123 Dear Tony Payne Further to your request under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) 2000 the College can c...
Admissions data
Response by Bury College to George Rickwood on .

Awaiting classification

Dear George   Further to your request, I can confirm we don’t hold the information you have asked for.   The answer to each question would be...
Freedom of Information Request: independent students at colleges
Response by Bury College to Benjamin Butcher on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Benjamin Buther   Further to your request under the Freedom of Information Act we can confirm that:    1. Please provide the number of st...
DBS Applications
Response by Bury College to Victor Howe on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Victor,   We use the e-safeguarding software for online checks through a 3^rd party provider – Protocol (registered company number 03007851)...
Agency Spend 2022/23
Response by Bury College to Shaun Heseltine on .


Dear Shaun,   Further to your request under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 the College can confirm that:   The College...
Contact Centre, CRM, and AI & Automation
Response by Bury College to Philip Mansfield on .

Partially successful

Dear Ms Morley   I hope this correspondence finds you well. Please find attached our response to your request made under the Freedom of Informatio...
Connectivity and Network Services
Request sent to Bury College by Philip Mansfield on .

Long overdue

Connectivity and Network Services a. Who provides your WAN and internet connectivity and the annual spend on each b. Who provides your SIP trunks and...
Telephony & Storage
Request sent to Bury College by Philip Mansfield on .

Long overdue

1. Telephony and UC/ Collaboration a. Please confirm the manufacturer of your telephony system(s) that are currently in place b. When is your contrac...
Trainee teacher NQT data request.
Response by Bury College to Luke Patrick on .


Dear Luke,   Please see below the answers in regards to your Freedom of Information request.   Kind Regards Helena   Helena Palk | Admin...
Agency spend 21/22
Response by Bury College to Louise Kingsley on .


Dear Louise,   Please find attached the completed freedom of information request.   Kind Regards     FOI Administrator Bury College | Wo...
IT / MFD / Print Hardware
Response by Bury College to Issy Hardie on .


Dear Issy,   Please find attached requested Freedom of Information Request.   Thanks   FOI Administrator Bury College | Woodbury Centre | ...
Lighting, Electricity & On-site Power Generation
Response by Bury College to David Stretch on .

Awaiting classification

Good Morning,   Please see below our responses to your FOI request:-     I would be grateful if you would provide the following information u...
Organisation Chart 2021
Response by Bury College to Charlie Turner on .

Long overdue

Dear Charlie, Please find attached the response to your Freedom of Information request. Kind Regards FOI Administrator Bury College | Woodbury...
IT / MFD / Print Hardware
Response by Bury College to Issy Hardie on .

Long overdue

Dear Issy, Thank you for your e-mail dated 22 July 2021 containing a request under the Freedom of Information Act 200 (“FOIA”) for information relat...
Manager List
Response by Bury College to Tanya Flowers on .


Dear Tanya, Please find attached the completed Freedom of Information request. Kind Regards FOI Administrator Bury College | Woodbury Centre | Mark...
Agency Spend 2020 - 2021
Response by Bury College to Tanya Flowers on .


Dear Tanya, Please find attached the completed Freedom of Information request. Kind Regards Helena Todd Bury College | Woodbury Centre | Market Str...
FOI Request – Confidential waste
Response by Bury College to Chris Pearson on .


Dear Chris,   Please find below the responses to your Freedom of Information request.   Kind Regards   Helena Todd Bury College | Woodbury...
Organisation Chart
Response by Bury College to Debbie Sharpe on .


Dear Debbie, Please can you provide an email address so we can send across the requested information for you. Can you send this to [email address] Ki...
Agency Spend 2019/2020
Response by Bury College to Charlotte on .


Dear Charlotte On behalf of Bury College I acknowledge receipt of your Freedom of Information request.  We shall endeavour to respond to you within...
Library Access
Request to Bury College by Kylie Brook. Annotated by Robert Leach on .

Waiting clarification

OP has provided a full name and I am sure the Whatdotheyknow email is sufficient as an address under s8 of the act - is there a precedent for this?...

Only requests made using WhatDoTheyKnow are shown. ?