Buckingham Town Council

A town or parish council

8 requests
11+ Selection Reviews And Appeals
Request to Buckingham Town Council by Parma Singh. Annotated by William Fitzpatrick on .

Long overdue

You should, of course, await the response of Buckingham Town Council in order to be sure, but I believe it is unlikely that they will hold the informat...
Dear Alexandra, Buckingham Town Council do not spend any money on food or drink for council meetings. Glasses of tap water are provided! Kind regards...
Money spent on supplies for meetings
Response by Buckingham Town Council to Max Cawthorne on .


Dear Maxwell, Buckingham Town Council do not spend any money on food or drink for council meetings. Glasses of tap water are provided! Kind regards,...
Quails on allotments
Request sent to Buckingham Town Council by Richard MacKenzie on .

Long overdue

Considering the Allotment Act allows the keeping of hens on publicly run allotments, does your organisation allow plot holders to keep quail hens?...
Response by Buckingham Town Council to Paul Evans on .


Please see replies below Katharine McElligott Buckingham Town Council
Christmas cost 2012/2013
Response by Buckingham Town Council to Michael Pearson on .


Dear Mr Pearson, Thank you for your request. As you may or may not be aware Buckingham Town Council decided last year to increase the amount of Chri...
IT Support Services
Response by Buckingham Town Council to John Wicker on .


Netgear Ready NAS Duo £500 hardware & software support - rolling contract Cara Networks Town Clerk - C P Wayman
School clusters
Response by Buckingham Town Council to D Anderson on .

Information not held

Buckingham Town Council is not the Education Authority, Buckinghamshire County Council is. If you go to www.buckscc.gov.uk and click on Education on th...

Only requests made using WhatDoTheyKnow are shown. ?