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Academy Trust Energy Procurement and Decarbonisation
Cais wedi ei anfon i Bright Tribe Academy Trust gan Rebecca Brown ar .
Yn hwyr ofnadwy
Dear Bright Tribe Academy Trust,
I would be grateful if you could assist my research into your trust’s energy procurement methods, as well as your de...
Energy consumption and printer agreements
Dilynol a anfonwyd at Bright Tribe Academy Trust gan Amber Byrne ar .
Yn hwyr ofnadwy
Dear Bright Tribe Academy Trust,
Please may you review my FOI request.
Yours faithfully,
Amber Byrne
Correspondence between the trust and DfE
Cais wedi ei anfon i Bright Tribe Academy Trust gan Grace Foster ar .
Yn hwyr ofnadwy
Dear Bright Tribe Academy Trust,
As per the freedom of information act, please provide the following information:
1. Please provide copies of any c...
CEO - salary and expenses
Cais wedi ei anfon i Bright Tribe Academy Trust gan Jade Harper ar .
Yn hwyr ofnadwy
Dear Bright Tribe Academy Trust,
Could you please provide information about the CEO’s annual salary, travel expenses (including flights and accommoda...
Correspondence between the CEO of the trust and Priestley College
Cais wedi ei anfon i Bright Tribe Academy Trust gan Amy Woollcott ar .
Yn hwyr ofnadwy
Dear Bright Tribe Academy Trust,
This is a formal freedom of information and as such you are required to respond in full within 20 working days.
FOI - Expenditure on equality, diversity, and inclusivity.
Cais wedi ei anfon i Bright Tribe Academy Trust gan Arthur Lightfoot ar .
Yn hwyr ofnadwy
Dear Bright Tribe Academy Trust,
I wish to make an FOI request, as set out under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
Please can your organisation p...
Media subscriptions
Cais wedi ei anfon i Bright Tribe Academy Trust gan Gavin Loader ar .
Yn hwyr ofnadwy
Dear Bright Tribe Academy Trust,
Which newspapers, magazines, journals & online subscriptions did the organisation procure or receive free during the...
Contracts associated with Whitehaven Academy
Ymateb gan Bright Tribe Academy Trust i Julie Robinson ar .
Yn disgwyl dosbarthiad
Dear Ms Robinson
Further to our previous correspondence and your request for information about outsourcing at the Whitehaven Academy, we respond as fo...
TM44 Air Conditioning Assessment
Ymateb gan Bright Tribe Academy Trust i Scott Davies ar .
Yn hwyr ofnadwy
Dear Mr Davies
Thank you for your email of 21st September 2016, requesting information about TM44 Air Conditioning Assessment.
Your request will be d...
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Mentions in Parliament