Information Governance Framework
Response by Bradford College to Mr Barnard on .

Waiting clarification

Thank you for your FoI request. Can you clarify what you mean by in terms of an information governance framework and what specific supporting policies...
Up to date Manager List
Request sent to Bradford College by Tom Jones on .

Long overdue

Please provide a current organisation chart of Bradford College including names and emails of Head Of Departments and Curriculum Managers. Yours fait...
Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, I would like to request the following information: 1. The current organisational structure of your IT Supp...
Access control systems
Response by Bradford College to K York on .


Thank You for your FoI request. Questions 1-5 are commercially sensitive and releasing that information could have a detrimental impact on the college....
Recruitment Information
Response by Bradford College to Amelia Flanagan on .

Partially successful

Dear Amelia, 1. Yes 2. Yes 3. This is corporate information that we would not disclose Thank You Marc Gillham Chief Information Officer
IT / MFD / Print Hardware
Request sent to Bradford College by Lauren on .

Long overdue

I would be grateful if you could help in answering our request for information, answering for A & B on questions 1-8: a) Photocopiers/MFDs (Multi-Fun...
Agency Spend 2023 / 2024
Response by Bradford College to Ashleigh King on .


Please find attached the information we hold on agency spend. We have not shared Agency names as it is commercially sensitive. Thank You Marc Gillham...
Management of Corporate Estates and Maintenance
Request sent to Bradford College by Harold Smith on .

Long overdue

I would be most grateful if you would provide me, under the Freedom of Information Act, the following information regarding your facilities management...
Organogram – 2023/2024 including plans for 2024/2025
Response by Bradford College to Harry Dowling on .

Partially successful

Dear Harry Please find attached Organogram for Bradford College. Thank You Marc Gillham Chief Information Officer E-mail: [email address]  [mobile...
Good afternoon Gary I reattach the file that was sent out to you on the 10 March 2021 containing the only data the college has on correspondence with...
Management Structure and Contacts
Request sent to Bradford College by Tony Payne on .

Long overdue

Please provide a current organisation chart showing senior and middle managers, and an excel spreadsheet with a list of names, job titles and contact e...
Admissions data
Request sent to Bradford College by George Rickwood on .

Long overdue

My name is George Rickwood, and I am reaching out to request detailed information regarding your university's admission cycles from 2013-2023. Unde...
Dear Eliza, Thank you for your request. Unfortunately we are unable to supply the information requested as we consider it to be commercial sensitive....
ICT Contracts
Response by Bradford College to Niamh Johnson on .


Dear Niamh, We consider the information below to be commercially sensitive. We therefore will not be releasing this information under an FoI request....
DBS Applications
Response by Bradford College to Victor Howe on .


Dear Mr Howe Further to your email dated 28/6/23 under the Freedom of Information Act, we can advise that, in relation to DBS applications, we use Ver...
Agency Spend
Response by Bradford College to Victoria Edgar on .


Dear Ms Edgar Please find attached in pdf format. Please contact us if you have any problems. Regards Lynne Lynne Wardman EA to Sarah Cooper – Dir...
Organisation Structure Chart
Response by Bradford College to Victoria Edgar on .

Long overdue

Dear Ms Edgar Thank you for your recent request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, received on 6th June 2023. Assuming we h...
Agency Spend 2021-2022
Response by Bradford College to Victoria Edgar on .


Good afternoon Victoria Please find attached, apologies for the delay which has been caused by annual leave over the summer period. Kind regards Alli...
Freedom of Information request - Staff List
Response by Bradford College to Fouzy Barahman on .

Partially successful

Good morning Fouzy Please see the list of Curriculum Managers/Head of department in the College. We are not permitted to disclose employee names or em...
2017-18 Policies
Response by Bradford College to Kieron Adams on .

Partially successful

Hi Kieron Due to staff and system changes that occurred over that time period, we are unable to identify which scenario applies. We have done extensiv...
Employing Friends and Family
Response by Bradford College to Alex on .


Good afternoon Alex Please see the responses to your questions set out below. Kind regards Allison
Recruitment Advertising Request
Response by Bradford College to kae wogel on .


Bradford College Office of the Clerk Telephone: 01274 433213 Email: [Bradford College request email] K wogel by email to: [FOI #406875 email] 9 June...
Dear FOI Team, I would be most grateful if you would provide me, under the Freedom of Information Act, details in respect to the contract below. Aw...
Response by Bradford College to tim wells on .

Partially successful

Good afternoon Tim Please see the responses below. 1) please can you send me a copy of the current subject access request acknowledgment AND response...
Manager List
Response by Bradford College to Tanya Flowers on .

Long overdue

Good morning Tanya Please find our latest structure chart attached, we do not provide names of employees. Kind regards Allison Allison McEvoy Assist...

Only requests made using WhatDoTheyKnow are shown. ?