Blaenau Gwent County Borough Council

A local council in Wales, a unitary authority in Wales, an upper tier local authority, a principal council, an education authority, a body responsible for highways and a council with district-level functions

1065 requests
Community Safety Wardens
Response by Blaenau Gwent County Borough Council to Mark Lewis on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Mark Lewis We acknowledge receipt of your Freedom of Information Request and will liaise with the relevant department to provide a response....
Digital directory contracts and costs
Response by Blaenau Gwent County Borough Council to Dylan Finch on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Dylan Finch We sincerely apologise for the delay. Please find below, the officer’s response to your Freedom of Information Request: * Who is...
Dear Henry Banks Please see below, the officer’s response to your Freedom of Information Request: The requester would need to contact each school...
Response by Blaenau Gwent County Borough Council to Bess Thomas on .

Partially successful

Dear Bess Thomas Please find below, the officer’s response to your Freedom of Information Request: - How much funding has each school in Blaenau G...
Dear Martyn Evans Please find below, the officer's response to your Freedom of Information Request: How many sickness days for mental health reaso...
Social care suppliers
Response by Blaenau Gwent County Borough Council to Glyn Alan John on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Glyn Alan John Please find below, the officer’s response to your Freedom of Information Request: I would like to make an FOI request for all...
Dear Benjamin Butcher   We sincerely apologise for the delay in responding to your Freedom of Information Request.   Unfortunately, we do not...
Wales - Dog warden and stray dog services
Response by Blaenau Gwent County Borough Council to emma smith on .

Partially successful

Dear Emma Smith   Please find below, the officer’s response to your Freedom of Information Request:   Q1   2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 64 24...
Dear Derek Chung Please find attached, the officer’s response to your Freedom of Information Request. If you have any queries,  please do not hesi...
Dear Nicky Williamson Please find below, the officer’s response to your Freedom of Information Request: 1. How many times have you been asked to e...
Dear Jason Kulczycki Please find below, the officer’s response to your Freedom of Information Request: The total number of Data Subject Access Req...
Education Funding
Response by Blaenau Gwent County Borough Council to Bess Thomas on .

Partially successful

Dear Bess Thomas Please find attached, the officer’s response to your Freedom of Information Request. Kind regards Information Governance Team /...
New Road Building Spend
Response by Blaenau Gwent County Borough Council to David Webb on .


Dear David Webb Please find below, the officer’s response to your Freedom of Information Request: In the past 5 years, how much has the Council sp...
Drain Maintenance
Response by Blaenau Gwent County Borough Council to Poppy Davies on .


Dear Poppy Davies Please find below, the officer’s response to your Freedom of Information Request: We don’t have a separate budget for gully clea...
Response by Blaenau Gwent County Borough Council to Owen Davies on .


Dear Owen Davies Please find below, the officer’s response to your Freedom of Information Request:  1. Total number of staff sick leave abscences...
Dear Glyn Alan John Please find below, the officer’s response to your Freedom of Information Request: There have been no payments & no record of P...
Dear Nikhil Prabhu We sincerely apologise for the delay. Please find attached, the officer’s response to your Freedom of Information Request. Plea...
Dear Jamie Dixon   Please find below, the officer’s response to your Freedom of Information Request:   Questions - Please provide the data for...
Good morning,   We apologise for the delay in responding to your request.   In response to your request, please see below:     How many y...
Dear Monika Nielsen   We sincerely apologise for the delay in responding to your Freedom of Information Request. Please find below, the officer’s...
Schools Supply Spend 23/24
Response by Blaenau Gwent County Borough Council to Rhys Davies on .


Dear Rhys Davies Please find attached, the officer’s response to your Freedom of Information Request. Kind regards Information Governance Team /...
Dear requester,   I acknowledge receipt of your Freedom of Information request and will liaise with the relevant Department in order to provide a...
Misconduct by trade union reps since 2022
Response by Blaenau Gwent County Borough Council to Abdul Hai on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Abdul Hai Please find below, the officer’s response to your Freedom of Information Request: Since the 2022 financial year how many cases of m...
Dear Martyn Evans Please find below, the officer’s response to your Freedom of Information Request:   Please provide a breakdown of the Violent...
Dear Alun Davies Please find below, the officer’s response to your Freedom of Information Request: 1.What providers have you referred Children to...

Only requests made using WhatDoTheyKnow are shown. ?