As my FOI request is now long overdue, i wanted to reach out and ask that you please take a look and either give clarification or respond. Yours fai...
I would be grateful if you could assist my research into your trust’s energy procurement methods, as well as your decarbonisation progress. Structure...
Correspondence between the trust and DfE
Response by Bishop Konstant Catholic Academy Trust to Grace Foster on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Grace Foster Thank you for your Freedom of Information request dated 28th September 2023, which was allocated reference number GF/2809/23CA and w...
CEO - salary and expenses
Request sent to Bishop Konstant Catholic Academy Trust by Jade Harper on .

Long overdue

Could you please provide information about the CEO’s annual salary, travel expenses (including flights and accommodation), bonuses and a line by line l...
This is a formal freedom of information and as such you are required to respond in full within 20 working days. Under the freedom of information act...
I wish to make an FOI request, as set out under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Please can your organisation provide the following information:...
Energy costs are rising and the Government has had helpful and mandatory legislation in place since 2009. Whilst you do not currently appear to comply,...
Afternoon Apologies for the delay in fulfilling your Freedom of Information request below. I am now in a position to confirm the files will be ready...
Good afternoon I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Freedom of Information request to St Thomas a Becket Catholic Secondary School. This request was...
Gas and Electricity contracts
Internal review request sent to Bishop Konstant Catholic Academy Trust by neil brand on .

Awaiting internal review

Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews. I am writing to request an internal review of Bishop Konstant Catholic...
TM44 Air Conditioning Assessment
Request sent to Bishop Konstant Catholic Academy Trust by Scott Davies on .

Long overdue

This request relates to UK Legislation, specifically TM44 Air Conditioning Inspections. Q. Are you responsible for any buildings with more than 12kw...
Good afternoon   I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Freedom of Information request to the Bishop Konstant Catholic Academy Trust.   This requ...

Only requests made using WhatDoTheyKnow are shown. ?