Beeches Learning and Development Trust

An academy trust and a company limited by guarantee

6 requests
Correspondence between the trust and DfE
Response by Beeches Learning and Development Trust to Grace Foster on .

Waiting clarification

Dear Grace Foster, Freedom of Information request Thank you for your email of 28 September where you requested information about correspondence betwe...
Dear Ms Zaher Letter providing requested Information Thank you for your e-mail of 31st August 2024 where you requested information about Staff Sickne...
Dear Jessica Sharkey, Letter providing all information requested Thank you for your email of 19 February. A copy of the information is in blue text...
CEO - salary and expenses
Response by Beeches Learning and Development Trust to Jade Harper on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Jade Harper, Letter providing all information requested Thank you for your email of 18^th September 2023 where you requested information abou...
Dear Amy Woollcott, Response to your Freedom of Information Request We refer to your request sent to us via email on 13th September 2023. We have ca...
I wish to make an FOI request, as set out under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Please can your organisation provide the following information:...

Only requests made using WhatDoTheyKnow are shown. ?