Batley Multi Academy Trust

An academy trust and a company limited by guarantee, also called Batley MAT

7 requests
Attendance percentages
Response by Batley Multi Academy Trust to Michelle Louise Zaher on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Michelle,  Further to your FOI request, please see the information below:  672 staff were employed by the Trust on 1^st July 2024. Between 1^...
Dear Amber,  I can confirm receipt of your email received 15 November 2023.  We will be applying s.12 to part of this request as well as s.43(2) of t...
Dear Amy, As per the FOI request sent on 13 September 2023 sent to Batley Multi Academy Trust and Batley Grammar School, I can confirm there is no c...
Correspondence between the trust and DfE
Response by Batley Multi Academy Trust to Grace Foster on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Grace,  We can confirm receipt of your email received on 28 September 2023. We note that your account with WhatDoTheyKnow has been suspended. We...
CEO - salary and expenses
Request sent to Batley Multi Academy Trust by Jade Harper on .

Long overdue

Could you please provide information about the CEO’s annual salary, travel expenses (including flights and accommodation), bonuses and a line by line l...
FOI : Prevent Policy
Response by Batley Multi Academy Trust to Musa Kazi on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Musa,  Please see my email of 17 January 2023.  Until we receive proportionate ID from you, your Freedom of Information requests and any emails...
Dear Art,  I write further to your email of Thursday 17 November 2022, in which you made a request for the following information under the FOIA to Ba...

Only requests made using WhatDoTheyKnow are shown. ?