Dear Dylan Finch,
Please see enclosed response to your FOIA/EIR request. We trust that we
have answered your queries, however if you have any furthe...
Have Councillors kept records of their meetings with Camden Residents Association members, who were until recently lobbying for a bus gate? The details...
Please release the correspondence relating to the consultations that were required to take place between Council officials, Councillors and consultants...
On 2/2/2024 Cllr David Wood - cabinet member for council priorities & delivery - made a single member decision E3495
( ie the New Sydney Rd LN, ETRO,...
Has council sought legal advice to cofirm Single Member Decisions for Bath LNs are made in accordance with local govt regulations & within the spirit o...
I am writing to request information regarding the legal fees for Liveable neighbourhoods
The Council has spent nearly £50k on legal fees so far in re...
I am writing to request information about the funding of the LN initiative by B&NES Council.
Can you confirm that B&NES needs to provide 20% match fun...
Dear Jason Kulczycki,
Please see enclosed response to your FOIA/EIR request. We trust that we
have answered your queries, however if you have any fu...
I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (“FOIA”) to request the following information from Bath and North East Somerset Council (...
Please supply average daily vehicle data by vehicle class per week for the period 1 Sep 23 to the present for each Clean Air Zone entry and exit point...
I am writing to enquire about the road closures in Camden in January 2025.
What was the purpose of these road closures?
Why were no notices given of...
In Decision 3403 it states that:
7.1 Individual schemes will follow appropriate risk management processes to design and deliver high quality transport...
Equalities Act 2010 & Walcot LN
In Decision 3403, it states the following
5.3 Consideration of B&NES duties under the Equality Act 2010 is central...
WECA Grant
Does the Council need to repay the WECA grant and former draw-down if any of the LTNs fail?
If so, has the Council formally approved a bud...
Please could you tell me how much has BANES spent on consultancy fees and how much has been charged by each company for the whole of Phase One for the...
Dear Francesca Aylett,
Please see enclosed response to your FOIA/EIR request, please accept our
apologies for the delay in sending.
We trust that...
Dear Ian Plain,
Please accept our apologies for the delay in responding to your request.
Thank you for your request for an internal review, a copy o...
I would like to enquire about the shortlisting workshop for Snow Hill and London Road Liveable Neighbourhood 17th September 2022.
I have five questio...
I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (“FOIA”) to request the following information from Bath and North East Somerset Council (...
I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (“FOIA”) to request the following information from Bath and North East Somerset Council (...
Dear Information Governance,
Please compare your performance with that of Bristol City Council who have confirmed that Bristow & Sutor is one of the...
I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (“FOIA”) to request the following information from Bath and North East Somerset Council (...
The web page on the Lower Lansdown LN states “In August 2022, attendees were invited back to review the outcomes of the workshop and prioritise their i...
1. Please release the detailed calculations (traffic numbers, cycling and walking numbers, justification for increased safety etc.) underpinning the Be...
Dear Taskeen Sajjad,
Please see enclosed response to your FOIA/EIR request. We trust that we
have answered your queries, however if you have any fur...
Only requests made using WhatDoTheyKnow are shown.