Good Afternoon
Further to your Freedom of Information request below, please find attached
the information requested.
Paula Gibbons
Hi Tony,
Please find attached our latest management chart. This is the level of information available in the public domain. We do not provide email ad...
Harry - please could you check your emails for the 30th April where i responded to your FOI Re: agency. I cannot see the request on this website to res...
Please could you provide me with a breakdown with your full agency spend for the 22/23 academic year?
Could you split this by department and company...
Dear Victor,
The following details are provided in response to your FOI request:
In the period 1 May 22 to 30 April 23 we processed 270 app...
Hello James
We do not use sessional staff. For casual staff on timesheets we use a paper system, the only IT involved is when it is put onto the bank...
1. Were you aware of the Regulation?
2. Provide a time-scale in which you intend to comply? We will
check for your compl...
Dear Jack Gaz,
Please find below details in response to your freedom of information
request received by the College on 22^nd January 2022.
Hi Coral,
Our agency spend in 19/20 was £43,774.
I attach our organisation chart detailing college management structure
Zee Walker
This request relates to UK Environmental Legislation, specifically Air Conditioning Inspection Reporting, which is mandatory for UK buildings which are...
I am requesting under the Freedom of Information Act the following information:
1. The number of personal data breaches since 25th May 2018
2. The...
I am writing to make an open government request for all of the
information, to which I am entitled to request under the Freedom of
Information Act...
This message was created automatically by mail delivery software.
A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its
recipients. Thi...
Can you please provide me with your spend for permanent recruitment
over the last 12 months split by advertising, agency fees (please
confirm agenc...
As the senior manager responsible for Freedom of Information Requests at
Furness College, I am able to respond to your request for informat...
Hello Julia
A total of £25,000 was spent on recruitment last year
£23,000 was spent on advertising
And £2,000 was spent on interview expenses
We spent...
Hello Ms Bacon
We do not give out personal contacts, you can get in touch by emailing [Barrow Sixth Form College request email] and marking your email...
Hello Arthur
This looks less of a freedom of information request than a tentative sales approach requesting information that is commercially sensitive...
Dear Kathryn
Please find below the information you requested. I'm afraid some of it we do not keep records for and so is not available, but the vast m...
Hi Lara
Our spending was entirely with Reed.
Hello Simon
· We operate no establishments outside of the UK.
· We have no affiliations with providers of education overseas....
Dear Sirs
In response to your request the answers are as follows:
Director of Finance & Estates
Hi Nic
Staff training budget for 2014/15 - £15,000
Budget holder name and contact details for staff development - David Batten, [Barrow Sixth Form Co...
Hi Debbie
Thank you for your email.
I can confirm that during the academic year 2013-2014, Barrow in Furness
Sixth Form College did not ha...
Dear David,
Thanks for your help.
Yours sincerely,
Arthur Burns
Only requests made using WhatDoTheyKnow are shown.