Barnham Broom Parish Council
6 requests
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- unresolved requests
FOI Request: Number of Vacant properties and number of people on you current council waiting list
Response by Barnham Broom Parish Council to Kwajo Tweneboa on .
Information not held
Good Afternoon,
Thank you for your enquiry.
Unfortunately, the Parish Council does not exercise any housing functions,
so I have no information to p...
Littering and Fly-tipping
Response by Barnham Broom Parish Council to Ellen Blacow on .
Information not held
Good evening,
Thank you for your email. Unfortunately we do not hold information on fly tipping or littering. I recommended that you contact South Nor...
Byelaws relating to UAV Flights
Response by Barnham Broom Parish Council to Simon Hawkins on .
Dear Simon
The Parish Council does not have any Bye laws or policies relating to UAVs
on our land.
Jordana Wheeler
Parish Clerk...
Mr Wicker -
I note that you have made 1005 similar requests today. Barnham Broom
Parish Council do not have physical servers, storage devices,
Mr Cowan -
Question 1
The work was undertaken by the Clerk during her regular working hours.**
As a Parish Councillor on Barnham Broom Council y...
Dear Mr Cowan,
The rent for the parish land was £405 per annum from 1990 until 1995,
then £450 from 1996 to 2000. This information is in the publ...
Only requests made using WhatDoTheyKnow are shown. ?
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