Barnard Castle Town Council

A town or parish council

12 requests
Freedom of Information: Waste Management
Response by Barnard Castle Town Council to Owen Alan on .

Information not held

Dear Mr Alan Thank you for your email but the town council does not have any responsibility for wheelie bins, or replacements. Your request would need...
Dear Kwajo Thank you for your email under FOI but as the town council do not have any housing stock, or manage any housing I'm afraid we cannot answer...
Parking fines
Response by Barnard Castle Town Council to J green on .

Information not held

Dear Javis, Re: 2018032630 – Freedom of Information Request – Parking Fines I write in response to your email to me, dated 26 March, in which you req...
Staffing costs
Response by Barnard Castle Town Council to Thom Robinson on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Mr Robinson, A response to your request is enclosed. Michael King Town Clerk Tel: 01833 690970 Barnard Castle Town Council 44b Galgate Barnard...
Dear Mr Robinson, A response to your request is enclosed. Town Clerk Tel: 01833 690970 Barnard Castle Town Council 44b Galgate Barnard Castle DL12 8B...
Response by Barnard Castle Town Council to Scott Davies on .


Dear Scott,   I write to advise you that Barnard Castle Town Council does not own any buildings and the building the council currently rents for i...
Dear Susan, Please be advised that Barnard Castle Town Council does not have any vehicles. Kind regards, Helen Plant Deputy Clerk Barnard Castle...
IT Support Services
Response by Barnard Castle Town Council to John Wicker on .

Long overdue

Dear Mr Wicker The Town Council has an adopted Freedom of Information Publication Scheme. The scheme advises individuals and organisations what inform...
Mis-fuelling of motor vehicles
Response by Barnard Castle Town Council to Nick Panchaud on .

Partially successful

Dear Nick, Barnard Castle Town Council does not own, lease or maintain any motor vehicles. Kind regards, Helen Helen Plant Assistant Clerk Barnar...
Dear Nicola, I have attached Barnard Castle Town Council's adopted Financial Regulations which should answer your questions. If you have any further...
Barnard Castle Vision
Request to Barnard Castle Town Council by S Bainbridge. Annotated by Owen Barber on .

Partially successful

Since they have declined to "publish" the remaining information, just ask again for them to send it to you electronically. (Under the FOI Act, much inf...
Dear Angela, Whilst we would like to assist with your request, as a small Town Council the subject matter is not an area that has ever been within the...

Only requests made using WhatDoTheyKnow are shown. ?