Avanti Garden School

An academy and a school

21 requests
AMC and Board minutes
Response by Avanti Garden School to Ms Darling on .

Long overdue

Dear Ms Darling, Please see the Board minutes from October 2019 to present attached. The March 2020 minutes will not be approved until the next meeti...
Waiting list & admissions arrangements
Response by Avanti Garden School to Petra Jones on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Petra Please find attached our response to your FOI. Apologies for the delay. Kind regards Anna Admin -------------------------------------...
Waiting lists
Follow up sent to Avanti Garden School by Petra Jones on .

Long overdue

Please can you also provide the dates / length of time pupils who have /are SEND/Home Educated/LAC/CiC have been on the waiting list for /date fi...

Only requests made using WhatDoTheyKnow are shown. ?