Audit Commission

A public corporation, an auditor and a defunct authority

This authority no longer exists, so you cannot make a request to it.

100 requests
Dear Mr Osborn Thank you for your request for further information, dated 18 February 2013, in relation to Wigan Council. Although you have headed it '...
Here is more information on this.
Microsoft Office Training
Response by Audit Commission to Carly Green on .

Information not held

The Audit Commission closed on Tuesday 31 March 2015 and this e-mail address is no longer monitored. For further details of the Audit Commission’s cl...
Software Licenses
Response by Audit Commission to Leo Wu on .


The Audit Commission closed on Tuesday 31 March 2015 and this e-mail address is no longer monitored. For further details of the Audit Commission’s cl...
The Audit Commission closed on Tuesday 31 March 2015 and this e-mail address is no longer monitored. For further details of the Audit Commission’s cl...
Price waterhouse Coopers
Response by Audit Commission to Paul Dakers on .


The Audit Commission closed on Tuesday 31 March 2015 and this e-mail address is no longer monitored. For further details of the Audit Commission’s cl...
Support Services
Response by Audit Commission to Sam Norcop on .

Long overdue

Dear Sam Norcop Thank you for your freedom of information request, which we have allocated reference RFI 1569. Please be advised that as the informat...
Public interest report 1996/7 Doncaster Council Donnygate
Response by Audit Commission to michael price on .

Information not held

Dear Mr Price Re: RFI 1533 Thank you for your email of 28 February asking for additional information in respect of Doncaster Council. I will address...
District Auditor
Request to Audit Commission by Harvey Simpkins. Annotated by P Freeman on .


The links no longer work.
Data Matching - Prevention or Detection of Crime
Request to Audit Commission by R.J. Taylor. Annotated by K Hodgkinson on .


According to Elmbridge Council, roughly half of the 'hits' sent to them by the Audit Commission relate to entitled voters who are not in terms of counc...
Council Tax paying national debt interest
Response by Audit Commission to Phil L on .


Dear Mr Phil L Thank you for your Freedom of Information request, which was allocated reference RFI 1524. I have interpreted your request to mean: w...
capacity as auditors
Request to Audit Commission by George Cant. Annotated by K Hodgkinson on .

Partially successful

The Audit Commission has held meetings with SOLACE. For example it held meetings with them over its data matching in respect of so called single perso...
PbR coding audit
Response by Audit Commission to Steve Walker on .

Information not held

Dear Mr Walker, Thank you for your email in which you referred to Sir Bruce Keogh's report, 'Review into the quality of care and treatment provided by...
Empty buildings
Response by Audit Commission to L.C. Looi on .

Awaiting classification

Apologies - I did not allocate a reference number in my last email. Dear L C Looi Thank you for your request, which has been allocated reference RFI...
Due diligence
Request sent to Audit Commission by J Osborn on .

Long overdue

I note from a previous information request that you have confirmed that Wigan Council are subject to audit. This would seem to imply that due diligence...
Wigan Council
Response by Audit Commission to J Osborn on .

Information not held

Dear J Osborn Thank you for your request. The Audit Commission does not hold information on behalf of the National Audit Office (NAO). You should appr...
Risk Assessments
Response by Audit Commission to john theisson on .

Information not held

Dear Mr Theisson, thank you for your email sent via As I explained in my previous reply, auditors work independently from the Commi...
Report into Wirral Council Officers' freebies
Response by Audit Commission to Paul Cardin on .

Information not held

Dear Mr Cardin, thank you for your email. I'm afraid that the Commission doesn't hold the majority of the information you're seeking, the only part w...
Pay in the Pay Freeze
Response by Audit Commission to Don Wilson on .

Partially successful

Dear Mr Wilson, further to my acknowledgment sent on 16 July, we're now able to respond in full. The Audit Commission is not part of the Civil Service...
Joint Ventures
Follow up sent to Audit Commission by Jenny Griffin on .

Information not held

Dear Mr Mauler, Thank you for your courteous response. I'm sure you can sense my frustration. Something is rotten in the state of Denmark . . ....
Nottingham City Council
Response by Audit Commission to S. Martin on .

Partially successful

Dear S Martin, thank you for your email. The Audit Commission appoints auditors to all local authorities in England, but the results from the audits...
Dear Mr Braithwaite, thank you for your request. Although it is not entirely clear what you are requesting, I think you mean that you want documents...
Dear Mr Braithwaite, thank you for your follow up email. You are correct that the audit is likely to have created records, emails and file notes. How...
Dear Mr Kerr, thank you for your Freedom of Information request for: "copies of all correspondence between yourselves, Bolsover Council and any other...
Portsmouth District Auditor
Response by Audit Commission to Harvey Simpkins on .


Dear Mr Simpkins, thank you for your email. Although this information is held by the appointed auditor, rather than the Commission, I am able to conf...

Only requests made using WhatDoTheyKnow are shown. ?