Aspiration Academy Trust

An academy trust and a company limited by guarantee

22 requests
ICT Relations
Request sent to Aspiration Academy Trust by Bradley Griffiths on .

Long overdue

I would like to request information under the Freedom of Information Act Mobile phones Who is your current mobile phone provider? How many mobile...
Trust Committees of the Board
Response by Aspiration Academy Trust to Kate on .

Long overdue

Dear Kate,   Re: Freedom of Information Request   We acknowledge your Freedom of Information request, sent to us by email on the 6^th of Septe...
Attendance percentages
Response by Aspiration Academy Trust to Michelle Louise Zaher on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Michelle Zaher,   Re: Freedom of Information Request   We acknowledge your Freedom of Information request, sent to us by email on the 31^...
Response by Aspiration Academy Trust to Chloe Osmorne on .


Good morning Chloe, Please find an updated spreadsheet attached with school names added next to the data. Regards, Aspirations Academies Trust Wor...
Print costs are trust
Follow up sent to Aspiration Academy Trust by D.W on .

Long overdue

Dear Aspirations Info, Thank you for the quick reply, please see the below the clarification needed. Yours sincerely, David West
Correspondence between the trust and DfE
Response by Aspiration Academy Trust to Grace Foster on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Grace Foster, Freedom of Information request Thank you for your email of 28 September where you requested information about correspondence be...
CEO - salary and expenses
Request sent to Aspiration Academy Trust by Jade Harper on .

Long overdue

Could you please provide information about the CEO’s annual salary, travel expenses (including flights and accommodation), bonuses and a line by line l...
This is a formal freedom of information and as such you are required to respond in full within 20 working days. Under the freedom of information act...
My name is Leslie Andreas Lechner, with nickname Ted. I live in Yakima City, of Yakima County; in the State of Washington, of The United States of Amer...
Dear Arthur Lightfoot, Thank you for your email dated 17th November 2022 where you asked for the following information. We have set out our answers b...
Recruitment and retention: British Muslims
Response by Aspiration Academy Trust to [Name Removed] on .

Partially successful

Dear [Name Removed] Thank you for your email dated 20 March 2022 where you requested information about the number of British Pakistanis recruited si...
Response by Aspiration Academy Trust to Liam Brill on .


Dear Liam, Thank you for your email dated 16th March 2022 where you asked for the following information. We have set out our answers below. Who yo...
ICO - The Children's Code
Response by Aspiration Academy Trust to John Coren on .


Dear John, We acknowledge your Freedom of Information request, sent to us by email on the 5^th May 2021    Please find below the responses to yo...
Mobile and Telephony contracts
Request sent to Aspiration Academy Trust by Terry Shepherd on .

Long overdue

Under the Freedom of Information Act, could you kindly provide me with the following information please? Telephony System 1. What is your current t...
Furloughed staff
Request sent to Aspiration Academy Trust by Abdul Hai on .

Long overdue

With some staff likely to be furloughed due to coronavirus. What will happen to staff salaries and benefits? Are they likely to get their full pay or...
Fire extinguishers
Response by Aspiration Academy Trust to Glenn on .


Dear Glenn, Thank you for your email. In regards to individual academies, if the information is held it will be kept in each academy separately. You...
Media subscriptions
Response by Aspiration Academy Trust to Gavin Loader on .


Dear Gavin, Thank you for contacting Aspirations​. In regards to your email please see all Media subscriptions in attachment. Thank you Kind regard...
Teaching staff joining bonus
Request sent to Aspiration Academy Trust by B.Arden on .

Long overdue

I should like to request the following information: the number of teaching staff that are taken on, each year, to the Trust between 15 June and 1 Augus...
DBS costs
Response by Aspiration Academy Trust to Abdul Hai on .


Dear Abdul Hai, In regards to your email concerning the cost of DBS checks for Aspirations Academies Trust since 2015 we would like to confirm that i...
Gas and Electricity contracts
Response by Aspiration Academy Trust to neil brand on .


Dear Neil Brand,  Please find details attached.  Name of Broker: Beond Decision maker: Myself Regards Raj Raj Lall Director of Estates Aspirat...
Stationery expenditure
Request sent to Aspiration Academy Trust by Michael Stones on .

Long overdue

I would like information on how much the Council spends on stationery supplies and other associated materials in primary and secondary schools in t...
TM44 Air Conditioning Assessment
Request sent to Aspiration Academy Trust by Scott Davies on .

Long overdue

This request relates to UK Legislation, specifically TM44 Air Conditioning Inspections. Q. Are you responsible for any buildings with more than 12kw...

Only requests made using WhatDoTheyKnow are shown. ?