Architects Registration Board

A professional body and a regulator, also called ARB

60 requests
Dear Mr Tate   Thank you for your email under Freedom of Information request.   We can direct you to  [1] where the...
Dear Nicola   Thank you for your request for information under the Freedom of Information Act. Please see the requested information below:   Q...
Dear Celeste   Thank you for your request for information under the Freedom of Information Act. Please see the requested information below held by...
Corruption of complaints by the Architects Registration Board
Internal review request sent to Architects Registration Board by Paul Coston on .

Awaiting internal review

Dear Mr Howard, Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews. I am writing to request an internal review of the Ar...
Dear Ami   Thank you for your request for information under the Freedom of Information Act. I can confirm that ARB holds some of the information t...
Courier services
Response by Architects Registration Board to Jean Davies on .


  Dear Jean   Thank you for your request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.   The Architects Registration Board does...
Malicious email volume
Request sent to Architects Registration Board by Rebecca Moody on .

Long overdue

Please find below my FOI request regarding malicious emails sent to the department. The date range for the requests is from 2018 to present day. The...
Reason for appointment of Acting Registrar
Response by Architects Registration Board to Ian Salisbury on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Mr Salisbury   The reason the position of Registrar became vacant was a result of the resignation of Karen Holmes. You can see the details on...
Architects Registration Board FM
Response by Architects Registration Board to Edward McMenamin on .

Information not held

Dear Edward   Thank you for your request under FOIA. I can confirm that ARB does not have any catering services, and holds no information in relat...
Dear Mr Leonard   Thank you for your request for information made under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, which we received on 28 November 2019...
Intranet queries
Response by Architects Registration Board to Miller Yuraszek1 on .


Dear Miller Yurasek   Thank you for your request for information made under the Freedom of Information Act 200, which we received on 3 December 20...
Information around ICT strategy and suppliers
Response by Architects Registration Board to Hugh Jenkins on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Mr Jenkins Thank you for your request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Please find the answers embedded below. Yours s...
Dear Simon Howard, Thank you for your full and prompt reply to my inquiry. Yours sincerely, Ian Salisbury
The reputation of the profession
Follow up sent to Architects Registration Board by Ian Salisbury on .


Dear Simon Howard, Thank you for your full and complete reply. Yours sincerely, Ian Salisbury
Dear Simon, It looks as though you've covered everything, thank you. I'm in Italy at present so I'll review the information properly on my return....
Complaints procedure
Response by Architects Registration Board to Andrew Szilva on .


Dear Mr Szilva   Thank you for your request of 30 January 2016 under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. You have asked for the procedure for mak...
Board constituent members
Follow up sent to Architects Registration Board by Ian Salisbury on .


Thanks for this Simon, and for sending it promptly, Kind regards, Ian Salisbury
Software Licenses
Response by Architects Registration Board to Leo Wu on .


Dear Mr Wu   Thank you for your request for information dated 29 April 2015. Please find your queries answered below.   Q1. Do you look after...
IOC Meetings
Response by Architects Registration Board to Andrew Szilva on .


Dear Mr Szilva Please find attached. Simon Howard Professional Standards Manager Architects Registration Board T: +44 (0) 20 7580 5861 F: +44 (0) 20...
Investigation / Hearing Procedure
Response by Architects Registration Board to Andrew Szilva on .

Partially successful

Please find attached.   Simon Howard Professional Standards Manager t: +44 (0) 20 7580 5861     |     f: +44 (0) 20 7436 5269     |     e: [email a...
PCC Tribunal Decisions
Response by Architects Registration Board to Andrew Szilva on .


Dear Mr Szilva   Thank you for your email.   Your initial request for information was responded to on 23 August 2013 (copy attached). I am the...
Investigation procedure
Response by Architects Registration Board to Andrew Szilva on .


Dear Mr Szilva   Thank you for your email.   Your initial request for information was responded to on 23 August 2013 (copy attached). I am the...
Applications for a stay
Response by Architects Registration Board to Andrew Szilva on .


Dear Mr Szilva   Thank you for your email.   Your initial request for information was responded to on 23 August 2013 (copy attached). I am the...
ARB's legal status
Response by Architects Registration Board to Andrew Szilva on .


Dear Mr Szilva   Thank you for your email.   Your initial request for information was responded to on 23 August 2013 (copy attached). I am the...
Legal advice
Response by Architects Registration Board to Andrew Szilva on .


Dear Mr Szilva   Thank you for your email.   Your initial request for information was responded to on 23 August 2013 (copy attached). I am the...

Only requests made using WhatDoTheyKnow are shown. ?