Aberdare Community School, Rhondda
Cais 5
Ransomware attacks on secondary schools in Wales
Ymateb gan Aberdare Community School, Rhondda i Rebecca Moody ar .
Bore Da Rebecca
In response to your FOI request I can confirm that there have been no
ransomware attacks to data stored at Aberdare Community School...
Information about your dealings with Stonewall [Extraneous material removed]
Cais wedi ei anfon i Aberdare Community School, Rhondda gan Mr.C.ughes ar .
Yn hwyr ofnadwy
Dear Aberdare Community School, Rhondda,
This is a request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA). Please provide any information that you...
Air Conditioning Inspection Report Environmental Compliance Audit (commonly known as an ACI TM44)
Cais wedi ei anfon i Aberdare Community School, Rhondda gan Jessica Thomas ar .
Yn hwyr ofnadwy
Dear Aberdare Community School, Rhondda,
This request relates to Environmental Legislation, specifically TM44 Air Conditioning Inspection Reporting,...
Teaching agency charges to schools.
Ymateb gan Aberdare Community School, Rhondda i Herbiefella ar .
Rhannol lwyddiannus
Charges vary from agency to agency and qualification of that supply
teacher, charges rang from £125 to £145
Nicola Hughes
Office Manager...
Use of unqualified staff
Ymateb gan Aberdare Community School, Rhondda i Richard Knights ar .
Dear Mr Knights
I refer to your request for information relating to the number of lessons
taught in Aberdare Community School for week beginning 15t...
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