Abacus Primary School, Wickford

A school

7 requests
Bullying complaints (2)
Request sent to Abacus Primary School, Wickford by Yohannes Lowe on .

Long overdue

Hello, I hope whoever is reading this is keeping well. This is a request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Please can the f...
Prevent/Anti-extremism policy
Follow up sent to Abacus Primary School, Wickford by Thérèse Brousseau on .

Withdrawn by the requester

As it now looks like I am definitely not going to receive a response, I am withdrawing my request Yours faithfully, Thérèse Pénélope Geneviève Brou...
Recruitment Advertising
Request sent to Abacus Primary School, Wickford by Jo on .

Long overdue

Can you please provide me with your spend for permanent recruitment over the last 12 months split by advertising, agency fees (please confirm agenc...
TM44 Air Conditioning Assessment
Request sent to Abacus Primary School, Wickford by Paul Evans on .

Long overdue

This request follows UK legal and mandatory legislation, specifically TM44 Air Conditioning Assessments certification. Your Air Conditioning Assessment...
Telecommunications Request
Request sent to Abacus Primary School, Wickford by James Kendrick on .

Long overdue

My name is James Kendrick, I am contacting you from Tele-Response Limited, we deal with Telephone System Maintenance and Support as well as a Number of...
UN changes to definitions of torture
Request to Abacus Primary School, Wickford by leanne flynn. Annotated by leanne flynn on .

Long overdue

Thank you Jeremy. What you say about not misusing FOI is very important. I am from another country and felt that the emergency warranted a flurry of co...
Energy Saving
Request sent to Abacus Primary School, Wickford by ellie hare on .

Long overdue

Could you please forwrad me deatails of your energy managers, facilities, maintenance and estate managers names and numbers in order for me to call and...

Only requests made using WhatDoTheyKnow are shown. ?